Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Blue Lightning Fire! ~ Children of the Sun


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Our Amazon Avatars have again emerged from yet another intense round of initiation by fire set into high gear by the thunder clouds full of purifying rain amidst the worst Amazon river flooding in recent history.

Our human mantle was literally shaken from its bindings as a huge lightning bolt struck ground just five feet from our Temple door, charring a tree trunk black and dramatically charging our entire jungle camp in vibrant electric blue. Shocking our system with a force and sound so powerful like none we had ever heard, many of us felt and saw our energy bodies separating, jolted from its framework. In a split second, we all entered what seemed like an eternal moment of still point freeze.

This electromagnetic force of nature was immediately felt to be a live demonstration of the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning Fire, and with it, a most powerful message from Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Creator Gods focusing from the penetrating Blue Flame of Divine Will. "Shatter and Consume!" was the unmistakable tonality sounding through.

It most assuredly commanded our undivided attention and set the entire momentum for the shattering of any false structuring of reality, deeply untrenching aspects of the controlling egoic hold, and, in places we never knew existed. Our dynamic decrees fueled the continuing internal storms of transmutation which loosened the grip on core fear patterning, breaking down the illusory containers of self and carrying many of us through intense processes of shamanic death and simultaneous rebirth.

We all stepped into the fires of the unknown and are changed forever.

Words cannot convey just how pivotal this work in the Amazon is for our collective group, confirmed by this powerful bolt of Blue Fire Lightning which gave us the unwavering faith in the invincible, God-victorious power of the Sacred Fire. 

More outward demonstrations will be made upon the Earth and to this degree and simultaneous effect.



 Preparing for the May 20 Eclipse and Ascension Trigger



In these next days, we are preparing for the most incredible new moon Solar Eclipse alignment which positions the Earth/Moon/Sun directly with our Milky Way galactic core and the central star Alcyone in the Pleiadian Star System. It will undoubtedly herald in a super intense power surge (already being felt) that will most likely open the first of many planetary ascension portals and catalyzing unimaginable accelerations in our advancement.

Here are some excellent recaps:

2012 - Rebooting the System
The Star Elders with Aluna Joy

Excerpt: The next large wave we see that you will experience profoundly is a total solar eclipse on May 20th. In the path of this total solar eclipse, your dimension will begin an entire reboot of its operating system on your Earth. As the sun is blocked so perfectly by your moon, in this very still, no-time place, a new operation system will be created and uploaded into your body as well as your world, solar system and universe.  This new operating system will begin to spread across the Earth...

Solar Annular Eclipse - 20th May 2012
Global Planetary Alignments with Sacred Sites

Marcus Mason, astrologer and eclipse expert sharing view on the May 20th eclipse of 2012. You can join in this amazing rebooting of the earth grid anywhere on earth. Go to this link to read about your area. 

May 20th Fire-Eclipse Portal
From James Tyberonn and the Earth-Keeper newsletter

"The Great Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment"... It's the first annular eclipse visible in America in almost 18 years, and there will not be another for over a decade. It has incredible significance. It is a portal of tremendous energy, and will spawn magnificent energy feeds. It is precisely why the final phase of the heralded ' Cosmic Trigger' is occurring on this Eclipse of 2012... this Eclipse is  spectacular, not only visually, but in it's mega-energy. The Sun and Moon ( New Moon) will be precisely  conjunct with the stunning Central Star of the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus.




 Full Moon Grid Transmissions, this Sunday May 6

 through to the New Moon Eclipse on May 20


It is self actualization through the direct experience (the most powerful form of transformation) that has been uploaded to the grid from the Amazon Avatar Team. It is ready to be received as a packet of light and an energy transference to YOU this next full moon to help lighten the load as we prepare for the May 20 eclipse and cosmic alignment.

During this upcoming Planetary Grid Transmission on Sunday, May 6 and for the two weeks that follow, we are continuing strong in a daily focus of final ego dissolution while setting into victorious motion a complete override of the human operating system through the penetrating action of Divine Will.

From the I AM of our unified being, we are commanding the Blue Lightening Fire to work in tandem with the building cosmic pressure to untrench, loosen, SHATTER AND CONSUME the bolted hardware to the worn out human design and giving us ultimate liberation from its bondage.

Following are highlights to our grid transmission this Sunday and leading up to the May 20 eclipse.

** We hope to have a supporting video released before Sunday as well. 

We apologize for the lateness in getting this mailing out... our writers have just emerged from the Amazon Jungle.)



Continuing the Unified Focus of ... 



(A 2-Week Daily Concentration in Focused Surrender)


The cosmic light of the Galactic Center is about to intensely activate our expanded DNA and white fire core as the memory seed atom of our full God realization comes into fruition. We are readying for an even greater reboot of our human operating system which is expected to change our life course dramatically.

For those desiring the upgrade and to be ready for this incoming eclipse alignment, we must be diligent about our preparations... and do all that we can now to constantly call forth and stand willingly in the purification fires. We have to surrender  more deeply.. to levels that we have never gone before.

This is a time in which many of us may be sitting in the womb of uncomfortable emptiness, flat-lined from all of our thoughts and mental constructs. We might be entering the great void for a period of time to allow more of the erasure to happen... the erasing of our human memory, of the programs, of all the stories and, the desire to even tell the story.

It can be a confusing and disorienting phase as the illusory concepts melt from the dissolving framework of our human self. Yet, simultaneously, as the dissolve occurs, the pathways are instantly recoded and resultant suffering is not nearly as intense as we have experienced in the past, if any at all.

The Death of the Ego, The Death of the Ego, The Death of the Ego

 We must, without exception, allow the death process and dissolution of the human to happen if this is our course, and, however that is reflected in our lives... whatever it takes to forever dissolve the monkey mind and the control of the free will. This is our greatest challenge. We must have focused surrender like never before and always come back to the heart... no mind, no analysis, no making sense or having the desire to see things from the logic behind outplay.

Oh the ego is so clever in its many manipulating subtleties. Much of them live in the subconscious programming. The mind wants to make sense of things. We build concepts upon concepts from mind constructs and beliefs systems. These concepts turn into desires, attachments, justifications, frustrations, excuses, avoidances. We go back to what feels comfortable and secure...and many of us are STILL doing this.

Energy Exorcisms

 We must exorcise all controlling mechanisms that still keep us locked in fear programming. These are often the areas within us that remain unconscious, deeply entrenched in the hidden shadows of the psyche and the subconscious layering. We are purging the nervous system for this is where they also hide... in between the electrical impulses, or, as the charge itself.

Some of us still carry obstructing pieces of the ego dominant, electrically overcharged blueprint creating blinding resistances to fully letting go. These patterns can be found even within the most spiritually advanced. We must get into the crevices and un-trench these lower frequency forms, freeing them from their confinement so that they can transform into their higher frequency expressions.

Allowing the Over-Ride of the Human Design 

bodyilluminedgeometryAs we surrender the human consciousness and endure its final dismantling process, a new multidimensional operating system completely over-rides the human design. 

Deeper, more intricate physical restructuring can take place within our body to remove the imprints of duality within our entire holographic energy matrix. This expansion is what can be attributed to our many recent bouts of dizziness, clumsiness and body aches.

This next 2-week preparation we are coming into now as a unified group action is specifically assisting in the removal of the programmed matrix including the genetic structure of our divisive nature and its distorted neural network. In this physical transformation, likened to a change of mental software, the neural patterns in the physical body are enduring a process of recodement. Nerve synapses are instantly reconnecting as we make our swift return to wholeness. We are being rewired so that the Higher Mental Body is more accessible, to directly bridge with our I AM Presence and the Universal light of harmonic union and unconditional love.

It is a time of extreme vulnerability as we are completely emptied and the human consciousness fades into oblivion. Please be sensitive to your and each others process. and again, never to take anything personal. The group support is invaluable and so crucial  to our stability.

Invoke the Flame of Elohim ~
and the Herculean Power of the Blue Lightening Fire !!!

 Start invoking the sacred fire love of the Elohim (designers of the human form) to work in tandem with the building cosmic pressure from the coming alignments.

We are specifically invoking the Herculean power and legions of blue flame master beings who stand ready with their flaming swords to cut us free from the remaining discordance within our confining human compound. When that blue lightening descends within and around us, it is also gifts us with an armor of protection and absolute invincibility to break free from the mold.

Those of us who are ascending the human form must embody the Blue Lightening of the Will of God, the Elohim say. "You must hear it crackle and pop inside of you for you are living in a time of great density where there is a requirement to Shatter and Consume! Shatter and Consume! Shatter and Consume the hardened muck and mire!

Hercules and Amazonia is the Elohimic consciousness of the Blue Ray of Power, Faith and Divine Will. In the beginning when God sent forth the Fiat "Let there be Light," it was Hercules who summoned the mighty Elohim and the Builders of Form to come forth and precipitate the Divine Plan of the Solar Logoi.

Hercules and Amazonia are charged with the blue fire and this creation field of cosmic consciousness directs the electronic blue fire force from the Great Central Sun to the Earth. The other prominent representatives of the flaming sword are so many and include our beloved Archangel Michael and Faith, Master El Morya, Lord Maitreya, Babaji and their legions of angels of the Blue Lightning Ray.

Use in combination with the Violet Transmuting Flames

 Their momentum can be invoked to proceed the action of the Violet Flames... as a way to excavate those areas of blinding obstruction and through the driving action of Divine Will and God-Victorious transmuting action!

Blaze and drive the sacred flames now through your entire energy system and that of our entire group body.. to be ready to receive the upgrade ascension codes of light arriving in full force later this month of May.


Self Realizations and Embodied Truths  

from the April Amazon Expedition Team


 Receive their Energy Transference and Light Support

During the Grid Transmissions this Sunday!


These courageous souls have endured and are now integrating from some of the most accelerated clearings at a physical core level. They have been prodded, squeezed, stretched, cooked and wrung in all directions in which to purge the distorted human design. It was a super intense purification together with vomiting, nausea, body pain, diarrhea, fatigue, sweat, tears, facing core fears and more... not only for the self, but primarily placing the body in service for the collective Group Avatar Soul.

Join us this Sunday as we receive their actualized codes of light and embodied truths together with all of our direct experiences and realizations from the One Group Avatar Soul!


S U R F   R E P O R T   

Blessings Everyone!

As you may be aware, our Sun is a portal to more than just us. Many have come to witness this great transition. There are events astronomic events that correspond to spiritual changes and give us a time-table of outplay. This time-table seems to be very specific and it's about to start this weekend. 
This Weekend's Taurus Full Moon Super Moon 

What is called the Taurus Full Moon is the celebration of the great Buddha's birthday (Wesak). It also happens to be the Celtic celebration of Beltaine. The emotions and the tides will greatly increase by the close proximity of the Moon to the Earth.... gifting to us what is called a Super Moon this Sunday, May 6th. 
Along with this are two  alignments; Saturn/Venus/Sun and Mercury/Venus/Mars. The first of these is likely to be the strongest of the two. The stern teacher that is the "Divine Goddess" is energized by the Sun. The image of Kali or the Morrigan come to mind, as a grand purification process. The second alignment is Mars/Venus/ Mercury.  Mercury rules communication, health and kundalini energy. So, this configuration indicates a non-polar balance in energies. Male and female energies are balanced. 
eclipseThis waning (diminishing) from a Super Moon towards an eclipse signifies a purging with a reboot at the end. 

Put it all together and we have a Goddess directed purification to culminate in a reboot of our sun! 

The Taurus Sun 

The powerful energy of this Super Moon does not really go away... it becomes an annular eclipse. This is where the sun is not totally blocked by the moon and it will appear as if  a great dark body stands between us and the sun leaving a fiery ring. 
map eclipseThis will track right over Mount Shasta and through Hopi Land. So these sacred spiritual area will be most directly affected. 
Moreover, there is an alignment with Alcyone otherwise known as the Central Sun to our galactic system. Our solar system is actually part of the Sagittarius sub galaxy. We revolve our its Central Sun and it is Alcyone that revolves around the Milky Way Galactic Core.  
So there are two galactic alignments that are significant. The first being the alignment of Earth/Moon/Sun/Alcyone/Milky Way Galactic Core. This happens on May 20th.  

Our Changing Sun

The Japanese recently announced that our sun is approaching its solar maximum and will do so almost a year early. The closest they can speculate on timing is in this time frame now upon us. It is a pretty sure bet that this will happen on the approaching eclipse as it is also a strong gravitational alignment. 

The Japanese scientists also mention that there is a strong indication that our Sun will not just flip it's magnetic poles as it usually does during a solar maximum but will split into 4 poles. This is called a "quadrapolar sun".  

quadrapoleCurious what that meant, we researched this to see if mathematical resources or science had any experience with a quadrapole. It turns out they do. This is an example of what a magnetic field might look like with a quadrapole sun. 
torus colr
A regular dipole magnetic field looks like the torus we are used to seeing. 

If the Sun was to do it normal thing the Torus would just flip over. But to spit into 2 sets of poles means be able to be in 2 places at once... or 4D (spiritually speaking 5D). This is very interesting because the scientists also agree that the Galactic Core is projecting the same field as the quadrapolar sun.

We know the Galactic Core waves are hyper-dimensional and now our sun will become like the Galactic Core. There is great potential that our beloved planet, in the influence of the hyper-dimensional magnetic field, would also be affected the same way as our sun.

One thing is certain, we are in for a super-charged ride!

With loving service to Gaea, 

Aniel, Child of the Sun 





Full Moon Grid Transmissions, this Sunday May 6 

... through to the New Moon Eclipse on May 20 

During this upcoming Planetary Grid Transmission on Sunday, May 6 and for the two weeks that follow, we are continuing strong in a daily focus of...     


  • OVERRIDE of the human operating system by Divine Will   

From the I AM of our unified being, we are commanding the Blue Lightening Fire to work in tandem with the building cosmic pressure to untrench the bolted hardware to the worn out human design and giving us ultimate liberation from its bondage. 

  • SHATTER AND CONSUME the hardened muck and mire!  

This is a time in which many of us may be sitting in the womb of uncomfortable emptiness, flat-lined from all of our thoughts and mental constructs. We might be entering the great void for a period of time to allow more of the erasure to happen.

  • ERASE the human programs 
  • ERASE the concepts and beliefs 
  • ERASE the stories and the need to tell the story 

The mind wants to make sense of things. We build concepts upon concepts from mind constructs and beliefs systems. These concepts turn into desires, attachments, justifications, frustrations, excuses, avoidances. We go back to what feels comfortable and secure.

  • DISSOLVE the monkey mind 
  • DISSOLVE the control of the free will
  • DISSOLVE the mind constructs and beliefs systems 

It can be a confusing and disorienting phase as the illusory concepts melt from the dissolving framework of our human self. Yet, simultaneously, as the dissolve occurs, the pathways are instantly recoded and resultant suffering is not nearly as intense as we have experienced in the past, if any at all. 

  • EXORCISE the controlling  mechanisms  
  • EXORCISE the fear programming
  • EXORCISE the hidden shadows

Some of us still carry obstructing pieces of the ego dominant, electrically overcharged blueprint creating blinding resistances to fully letting go. These patterns can be found even within the most spiritually advanced. We must get into the crevices and un-trench these lower frequency forms. 

  • DEATH of the Ego 
  • DEATH of the Ego 
  • DEATH of the Ego

As we surrender the human consciousness and endure its final dismantling process, a new multidimensional operating system completely over-rides the human design. 

  • LOVE OF SELF Heals

It is a time of extreme vulnerability as we are completely emptied and the human consciousness fades into oblivion. Please be sensitive to your and each others process. and again, never to take anything personal. The group support is invaluable and so crucial  to our stability. 







I, Hercules of the Sun, have come to quicken in you all your Divine Plan, your mission and your blueprint for life. 

When the Blue Lightning descends, it is an armor of protection and invincibility for those that have served the light of God.

If you expect ascension in human form, you must become the Blue Lightning of the Will of God. You must hear it crackle and pop inside of you for you are living in a time of great density where there is a requirement to Shatter and Consume! Shatter and Consume! Shatter and Consume the hardened muck and mire! 





Whenever Blue Lightning is invoked, Elohim Arcturus has pledged to follow it with the Violet Flame and whenever the Violet Flame is invoked, Elohim Hercules has pledged to follow it with Blue Lightning Fire. As so, a braiding action of the first and seventh ray of Alpha and Omega shall take place until the hour of final Victory!

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious presence of God, I AM that I AM, my beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all Humanity... we call to the consciousness fields of the Elohim, Ascended Masters and Angels of the Blue and Violet Ray including Mighty Hercules and Lady Amazonia, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, beloved El Morya, Saint Germain, Archangels Michael and Faith, Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst and the legions of angels of the Blue Fire of Divine Will and Violet Consuming Flames of Love's Mercy and Compassion...

BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the combined penetrating action of the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning Fire and the Violet Transmuting Flames into my consciousness, body, life and world... the consciousness body vehicles of all Planetary Light Servers... and the consciousness of all people on Earth. 


...the human programming and all that keeps us locked in separation and fear and from the unified source of Love. Swords of Violet and Blue, flash right through our souls, our auras and chakras too. Set us forever free on wings of Cosmic Victory.

Assist us to prepare spiritually and physically to meet the demands of the hour. Be gone false entities of desire. I AM wielding the Sword of Blue and Violet Flame... untrenching and transmuting now all illusions of separation's game...


Beloved Family of the Cosmic Light, protect our personal mission, our supply and livelihood on this earthly plane with the invincible might of the Blue Ray of Divine Will. Teach us more of the Word of Truth, of the Divine Plan that you want us to carry out in service to the Hierarchy of Light.

May the Violet Flame set all lightbearers free to carry out the highest service so that, together, we may recreate the planet into the Divine Matrix of the Christ Consciousness to support the victorious emergence of the I AM Race. May all particles of energy align with the Will of God and all spaces cleared and empowered by Light Eternal and Invincible Grace. 

Bless all Humanity and raise us into the Victory of Ascension HERE AND NOW!

It is Done.








Supporting Resources at Children of the Sun
We are a Humanitarian Non-Profit Foundation 


These articles are reflections of the Ageless Wisdom that can greatly assist our collective raising. Everything we have done is programmed into the Crystalline Grid and can be called forth as an energy transference. 

Supporting Mp3 Audios: (Meditations, Activations, Rites of Passage)
Most all of these audio transmissions are timeless pieces that give great support to personal transformation.  

This is our private site for team communications which offers invaluable support in these times of the great shift. Our online gathering features the latest news articles from other lightworkers and networks, COS group activities, individual assistance and the sharing of resources to greatly assist in each other's mission. Featuring our weekly... Transfiguration Chamber!

Join as a GEO Light Team

The Light Teams and their developing regional Foundations serve as conduits for the high frequency and transforming photonic energies that accelerate and stabilize the mass awakening and planetary shift.   

Join our Light Transmission Team

Your service is in support to all people registering to receive energy healing/transformation support in addition to any planetary event that may require collective energy transmission assistance. 
Please refer to our 2012 events calendar to stay in sync with the planetary happenings during this momentous year.


C H I L D R E N   O F   T H E   S U N   F O U N D A T I O N   





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