Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

C o n s c i o u s Conversations, every Thursday, Today June 23rd, on time at 4pm PDT

These gatherings are offered for free !!!

To learn about these Group Meditations – read the essay and
testimonials, below.

3:50pm PDT for those who do NOTknow the guidelines.
Please be sure your phone is fully charged, so You don’t drop the call.
Newcomers are asked to commit to stay the full 90 minutes

You will need to “register” at the link – below – to receive

a call in number and pin number
Those already registered can keep using there’s.…

Once registered, a reminder will be sent automatically by Maestro Conference eight-hours prior to our meeting time.

Please review the following essay ~ explaining the purpose and benefits of this process. The essay – below – has been written to open a forum among us to help us evolve an understanding of what is possible + what this practice is “for”.  
By organizing collective attention to be continuously alert to its own presence, we automatically learn to share a commonly-sensed-reality, allowing for an effortless mutual understanding and love to occur. As such, there is a shared experience – usually reserved for lovers – wherein, “love” is felt to flow within us – as “conscious intelligence”.

1) It is common to attend to what is thought. Then next, to what is sensed. Then to yet another perspective – in rapid succession. This form of sequential consciousness can produce anxiety and a lack of integrity, often referred to as Monkey Mind, a mind-made-self constructed of poorly related fragments.

2) Through meditative habit our perceptions become more organized. Our personal consciousness is less divided, even though each of our perceptual faculties remain incomparably unique. This more integrated way of being allows for greater joy, motivation and intelligence.

3) Individuals can have both a separate and unique sense of being “one with all”, where other’s sensitivities are facets of one’s own consciousness. This can be rewarding and satisfying, and appear to be the culmination of what is possible – as we each en-Soul the Universe !

4) A little known fourth state exists, wherein two, or more, can choose to share – as both one and all.  Comparable to the second example above, here each person contributes uniquely as if they were perceptual faculties of a greater body, heart and mind. In such a commonly sensed reality, the considerable tensions of separative-self-consciousness are noticed as unnecessary, causing these to dissolve and reintegrate in a much more operative and functional way. Witnessed collectively, conflict resolves into more peace, intelligence, joy and true wisdom.

When fully observed by all present, mutual understanding is effortless. This occurs naturally and unsought. It is thrilling to truly feel what it is like to be another, and oneself. Contrary to expectation, each facet of one’s being feels evermore incomparably unique and free of restriction – each and every moment. Collaboration is spontaneous and enthusiastic.

Life does not seem monotonous – fraught with striving for new emotional and physical experiences or material possessions. One realizes human beings have been seeking their immortal nature in what is impermanent.

Awareness is now intimately known as who and what we are: changeless and the cause all change. We realize, we are deliberately developing a more conscious culture, one which can support the Spirit of Our Humanity. We truly exist without struggle – with one exception: we wish to free others from needless suffering.

These are testimonials from our recent gatherings.

“Thank you SO much for giving your time up last night to facilitate such a marvelous meditation session. I enjoyed it immensely, such a refreshing and honest way of Being. It reminded me of group based therapeutic work I have facilitated in the past where the sharing comes from such a place of authenticity and yet this was SO much more than that. The process of such total acceptance of where we all are in the NOW moment is truly wonderful and takes the very personal process of meditation into the co-creative arena. I find it truly blissful to share with others from such an honest and non-defended place and to receive that sharing from others. The acceptance of where we are in the NOW is tremendously healing and this was so evident within the group process. I am deeply grateful for the group’s courage to share from such a profound emotional place, and your ability to hold that energy and assist the group to engage with it in such a significant way. I am really looking forward to connecting with everyone next Sunday.” ~ Sarah Rickards

“At the beginning of the group call, it feels as if a group of ‘strangers’ is getting together under Sperry’s guidance to have an experience.  As the meeting progresses, I discover that these are no strangers at all…but rather, extensions of myself! As the fog of separation begins to lift, a brilliant yellow light seems to descend into my inner vision.  After a little while longer, I feel I am home, home at last, and the other callers on the line transform into my intimate friends, as voices that speak for me, and I for them. At last, I discover that what I have been searching and seeking for all these years was right in front of me, and I just didn’t know how to look!  That is the experience I have had with Sperry’s gentle guidance, and I feel a sense of peace inside of myself that is unsurpassed.”  ~ Gary Dempster

“This evening, during the “Conscious Conversation”, I experienced in true essence, the core truth of what we are as Universal Beings.  Sperry, as a facilitator, immediately directed our attention to connecting with the sensory body. It shifted to an awareness that my heart was opening and in it was, a knowing.  I could feel thoughts, concepts, images and information transforming into the “Be Still” that is all-knowing. Sitting with this sensory emotion, I felt it shift to a peaceful stillness, Love beyond all Love. The body called self,  became as no-self. The feeling of vastness with all beings emerged into a Oneness. And the Light that enveloped my experience manifested into no-thing, a Void that was filled with Bliss. I have had a near death experience and found in it, clarity of who we really are,  yet, this evening, I have discovered a newness of what it means to create and co-create our Evolutionary Story.  Being with others and ‘becoming’ Us reinforces the truth!   It is REAL, it is Joyfilled and it is NOW.  I believe that this ‘Practice’, that is so very simple, is the KEY to understanding of how to manifest our emergence to Consciousness and the creation of a NEW Existence. Gratefully I tell of Love!”   ~  Sophia Murray

“Sperry facilitates a process to drop into our unity and feel our interconnected oneness beyond the illusion of space and time – to come to know firsthand and embody the awareness spoken of by enlightened masters and teachers throughout the ages.  Now, in a simple and “real time” experience each participant may come into a co-created field of harmony and love, leaving all with a profound and lasting sense of inner peace and trust.” ~ Allen David Reed

“This “Conscious Conversation” simply and gently, yet profoundly, reveals the truth that all of humanity has been seeking forever. In just a few minutes, as Sperry pointed our awareness to awareness itself, the illusion of separation began to dissolve. My sense of having a separate body melted in the warm, delicious energy that engulfed the whole group. Thoughts had no power and floated by like clouds. Emotions transformed into what I experienced to be the empty fullness spoken of by the sages, or eternal Love itself. The embodiment of what cannot adequately be spoken of happened. It was blissful, and once experienced, nothing can or will ever be the same. This is a life changing event.” ~ Judy Woodrow

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