Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


It occurred to me recently that this year, 2009, has been all about unravelling the death urge our body has had built into its cellular memory banks having long been on the treadmill of reincarnation.

As we are all aware we are leaving behind the illusion of duality and separation and claiming once again the truth of who we each are ~ SelfSourced Beings of Original Soul/Spirit which in purest form exists within each of us.

The body we are currently "wearing" is the one which is embodying fully our Divine Soul spark of All "Lifetimes", past and future, in the Now One Lifetime and in so doing, we are evolving into Being that which we truly are.... physically immortal, eternal and infinite Beings fully expressing and demonstrating, maintaining a youthful life full of vitality.

This year has been one of death for me at many levels especially at the 3D material one. All around me there is and has been death including fairly close souls of past life and this life living. I observe too this reflects the ongoing changing in bodily awareness and just recently I became aware at a very deep sense of what the ascension "symptoms" presently are really all about.

We are birthed into 3D through the root chakra of the fearbased separation/duality experience and from that premise we live to die "one day". All our choices from the day of birth are made with the view to what has been the "dying one day" premise!!

Yet our soul spark knows its immortality and now we are opportuned (in a portal of unity) with the space of bringing into full expression the Life Immortal lived while in the physical body.

Hence, we are presently changing from dense physical beings which "die" and shed the body into immortal beings with limitless opportunity to live in body forever!

Death is an option, not a requirement. The crystalline energies which are now gracing our airwaves are clearing out all that which continues the reincarnation treadmill as long as we do not resist such occurring.

I was observing "symptoms" of my body in a state of stillness and silence recently and it occurred to me that what was actually happening was the unravelling of the death urge that has for so long been built into our systems.

We are letting go of all cellular memory of the expected "requirement" to die and in so doing regenerating or resurrecting into immortal Beings.

How Onederful is that? Perfectly divine of course and it is Divine Will that this at last be demonstrated in the full light of day. Many will do so, however most probably may not choose to do so, at least in this Lifetime. One more round on the reincarnation cycle may be necessary for some.

Having long been aware of my immortality, it has, in hindsight, been a journey of releasing my physical density while perhaps not so conscious of such as I am now.

I am Now, at last, fully embracing and overcoming death in order to live eternally as an immortal soul fully demonstrated. And of course so are many others too although they may be coming from different perspectives however.

My body continues to demonstrate presently the transition phase of overcoming such and thus like many, there is ongoing "symptoms" in process of release. It is a deep journey to the Core of One's Being and allowance and acceptance in full trust that all is divinely perfect as it is has been a process in itSelf but now it is all coming together as more conscious understanding if brought forth.

The death urge is at last being unravelled in order for Immortal Life to Be lived.
Thus resurrected, Life Eternal with the power to come and go at Will, is the freeing truth offered to The One, IAM YOUARE.

WEARE immortal and becoming visible in full embodiment. The joys of Being The Alchemist Creator.

And So It Is

Shared in Love of the Life being lived as an Immortal Be(com)ing

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