I posted this some time ago as a discussion but got the urge to repost it in my blog.x..
We all have the wonderful gift and personal responsibility to either accept or not; what one reads, hears, perceives, or experiences. It really is that simple, or is it?
The word discernment conveys more than the condition of understanding, because we use our discernment when there is a perception of that which may not be obvious or is obscured. To use one’s discernment contains the added dimension of using knowledge & intuition in a new way, according to each new situation.
Discernment is closely linked with intuition, in fact they are really quite impossible to separate for they are in truth one and the same thing, and afford us the honour and privilege to 'feel' whether something is ‘right’ or ‘’wrong’.
Intuition is only discernment and focus. It has nothing to do with spiritual talents, gifts or being able to prophesise. What matters is the ability to hear the truth within you and focus on that.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience & there are keys in ancient knowledge, to allow us to enter states of consciousness… to bring us out of our distortions of reality & deliver our higher purpose.. We are continually reminded that meditation - sitting in silence (preferably daily) is the key to getting back to clear-mindedness and to letting superficial impressions and distorting interpretations die away to reveal the core of perception underlying all. This is fundamental when it comes to discernment. We are all one, & each as important as the other.. No other can fulfil our individual part of the plan… there are tasks that can be completed by no-one else… moving through our thoughts, we must own our knowledge, inherent & learnt. Own it, own our purpose & talents respect the things that we individually achieve.. even though we may not have letters after our names or received awards & accolades. Often when we are trying really hard to carry out the choices of the intelleigent heart, focus is brought around to ones own motives… & sometimes, we may turn away & doubt & mistrust. Everything can be open to the light & where we find duplicity & contradiction, acknowledge & accept this huge power of shadow. Knowledge is power.
Be true seers, when we take up training in inwardness, where the psyche & the cosmos align, all parts of our being can be known to us & used. It is the parts of ourselves that are walled off, that have not been explored or gained access to… Science acknowledges that there exists substance in the universe that cannot be explained; The dark matter which exists in our inner & outer universes which allows things to gravitate & take shape is being explored right now in this one long moment… for example we are just learning about things like Quantum Entanglement… “Entanglement is the possibility to link together two quantum particles – photons of light or atoms, for example – in a special way that makes them effectively two parts of the same entity. You can then separate them as far as you like, and a change in one is instantly reflected in the other”
Some may see that this is all part & parcel of where we are on our journey. In our understanding of the scientific & metaphysical worlds, to polarise these 2 worlds, which may seem opposite opposed, contradictory parts of a whole, whether it be within ourselves, or others will assist us in trying to discern the nature of the universe within & the nature of the universe without.
Discerning individuals may also make use of intuition, or a "gut feeling,"; Thinking with your intuition is really thinking with the knowing mind, (which is beyond thinking) but sometimes, we can become entangled in the limited edition of ourselves… and this can be difficult until one has learned to distinguish true intuition from the distortions of fear, desire, frustration, etc. - all of these emotions, not based in a peaceful heart, can distort perception and intuition; and lack of personal integrity will certainly distort discernment. Another aid for discernment is to pay attention to detail. - are there inconsistencies, contradictions, details that are questionable? Lastly, always remember to require whomever is sending you information, to identify themselves. If they refuse, walk away.
The underlying intention in discernment is of trusting self & feelings. Things that bring that eureka moment, things that bring contentment. We are all able to discern & we all have the free will… There are times when you have to work logically, looking for the answers, our best choice, weighing up the pro and cons. There are times when we have to look at how we have learned through our experiences, hands on or emotionally… Sometimes we need to use discernment by talking with other people, sometimes we will find it through other people theories. When we genuinely seek the truth, or intend to do the right thing, we pass through many gates & hurdles, some with enthusiasm & joy, some with strength & determination, some with tears, some with pain, or resentment.. Recognise these expressions, if we know our own weaknesses, we will know that so often the shadow side our nature is quite often our greatest gift. We need to practise regularly, looking into the shadow, our greatest teacher, there is so much to see through the many facets of our ourselves,, to look at ourselves, in as many different, ways as possible through art, writing, dance, & any other form of creativity; through life experience, archetypes, & intuition & come to know the unseen in a place of trust. We have to notice observe, subjectively & objectively from every angle with love, & recognise, determine differentiate, & perceive, that which may at first be camouflaged becoming clear & recognisable.. .
Everything that you have experienced in every lifetime has culminated in your presence on the planet now! You have chosen to be here at this momentous glorious occasion. Modernity is faced with information overload, increased by orders of magnitude with access to the ever evolving digital electronic network.. & Every individual has his or her own unique filter for information, be it a clarified filter or one clouded by unconscious fears, false beliefs, desires, or any of the fear-based emotions. When we move in rhythm with our heart & breath, this creates harmony, when we are out of rhythm, we fall back into our doubt & chronic woes.. rhythm is the key to equilibrium which brings us back into balance, & into a pose that is not self centered but centered in self awareness.
The spiritual journey is one of continual progress toward clarification of the soul's purpose. In the sense that all life's journey presents us with one transitory experience after another, until we one day, or one lifetime, or one aeon, reach the experience of the Absolute, the All-that-Is, which is pure, sentient, creative, intelligent light.
Until that time, we continue on our way, understanding more and more that the interplay of light and forms in our world is designed as a mirror for us, to instruct us in how the appearances are infinitely mutable and subject to creative awareness, applying its collective and individual force. Now, and forever, we create, whether consciously or unconsciously, so be careful, use the intelligence you are endowed with, to its fullest capacity, and above all, stay aware & in your heart.
Brightest Blessings.x..
In LOVE, Light, Inspiration & JOY!
Cindy x
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