Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

This form of failure is one many people do, though they are mostly unaware of it. Happily, it is one that is, more often than not, easy to shift.

Wallace Wattles wrote that failure is caused by doing too many things in an inefficient manner and not doing enough things in an efficient manner.

Doing anything important or significant in an inefficient manner is not fully occupying the space you are here to fill . . . your most fulfilling life and life moments. It can be uncomfortable to realize a day has passed and you feel you did not accomplish what you wanted or needed to, or at least feel some level of success about your day. This does not mean you have to work your backside off to be efficient. In fact, overworking is a sure path to inefficiency.

Inefficiency can include
-Not having your mind fully on what you are doing
-Allowing interruptions from the phone, email, and others
-Hurrying or rushing
-Trying or planning to do more than you can do realistically in a specific time period (overworking)
-Inadequate rest and recharge time
-Non-supportive self-talk

It is worth giving consideration to each of these as you think about how they are included in and affect the various areas of your life, both professional and personal.

If you at all believe in Law of Attraction, as someone once pointed out, notice that the last part of the word “attraction” is action. If you desire a specific outcome, you are going to have to take specific action. Action is a clear sign to Source (God, the Universe, etc.) that you are ready to receive what you have asked for. Efficient action is a Very Clear Signal about this. Efficient action means your vision, goal, or ideal outcome is on your radar screen; and that is what you want the quantum field to help you fulfill.

Not having your mind fully on what you are doing:
Well now, this one can certainly cause real problems from one end of the chaos spectrum to the other. What do you think the quality of your experiences and outcomes might be if you were 100 percent focused on anything you do?

Multi-tasking and Allowing interruptions from the phone, email, and others:
Multitasking was a buzzword for quite a while; and job descriptions sometimes listed it as though it was a skill (some still do, despite the evidence of its negative impact on productivity). There are times when you can, say, start something baking in the oven and then do something else while you wait, but that is not actually multi-tasking in the way usually meant by it. What really affects your productivity is when you attempt to do something that requires a steady line of thought, and you allow interruptions from others or engage in your own. You have to know how you work best and at your most productive if you intend to do anything efficiently. You are likely able to know if a significant number of experiences and results you have now demonstrate efficient action or inefficient.

Hurrying or rushing:
When you hurry or rush, you are attempting to force something. Hurrying can mean either the time needed was not given sincere consideration and planned for, or that you may have an agenda attached to the action. Some people feel they validate their significance if they appear terribly busy, when the truth is there is no need to rush. Only on occasion is fast action required, but certainly not for everything. Of course, it should be obvious that dawdling is inefficient as well. Everyone has their most productive pace. Just note if you’re speeding ahead or dragging behind yours. Also important to know is whether or not staying busy is your natural state or if it isn’t. Neither is right or wrong; people have their own energy levels and needs to express them in ways appropriate for them.

Trying or planning to do more than you can do realistically in a specific time period:
If you attempt to do in an hour or two what would take a day, or in a day or two what would take a week, unless you are Mr. Data from Star Trek, you are going to start to perform inefficiently at some point. If you do this for an extended time, you can experience burnout. Wattles pointed out that success happens more easily when we do what is needed efficiently each day; that it is not about how many things we get done, but about how efficiently we do what we do. You might say that some jobs demand speed, and you’d be right. But I also think you get the point he wanted to make: There is no satisfaction or success if you do a lot of things poorly, but there is satisfaction and success if you give your best (your best at the time) to whatever you do.

Inadequate rest and recharge time:
Some people have massive amounts of energy, some have less; but everyone needs real time for their body, mind, and spirit to replenish. A body and mind in need of rest cannot work as efficiently as hoped or needed. If you need to rest or allow time to heal, and do, that is efficient as far as that specific action is concerned.

Non-supportive self-talk:
This one can lead you to feel immobilized. Talk to yourself as you would a cherished friend you believe in.

Why is any of this important, beyond the obvious? Wattles said successful actions are cumulative in their results (I add, so are unsuccessful actions). Successful actions create successful outcomes. Efficient actions are successful actions. If your days end with you feeling unsatisfied, feeling you did not have even one thing to feel successful about, see if you are doing one or more of the inefficiency items. None of them should be impossible to adjust. Adjust as needed so you can support your successes. It is important to remember that your best will be different every day.

If any area of your life feels unfulfilling, consider any ways you may be managing or acting on them inefficiently.

You are what you practice.
© Joyce Shafer
Terrific empowering articles and extras in this week’s issue of State of Appreciation now live at

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