Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Doug Bentley, Cosmic Comic, Oneness Guide from India Reveals the Doer

Clarity in Clearwater (With Humor & Simplicity)
As long as we feel we are the 'doer', we will feel separate from the Divine.

Profound meeting with Doug (Oneness Guide from Oneness University in India). Wed. Aug. 4th. @ Michael & Suzanne's (Oneness Trainers) house in Clearwater, Fl. Doug has the paradoxical qualities of being deep and light, Holy & hilariously humble at same time. He has inspired me, and most likely I am going to India for the Training and a new 28 day "Deepening Process." And I will write more about this meeting, and what I learned from him tomorrow. (This is "tomorrow" - Aug. 5)

With over 100 people attending. Doug shined forth with simple wisdom, delightful humor, and an apparent innocence that had us at the edge of our seats creating a sort of time-less ambience that we did not want to end.

He is a wise and fun representative for Bhagavan's Oneness movement. Calmly communicating a sense of urgency, Doug presented the "stats": We have 1000 days( 2012) to become enlightened and Bhagavan's goal is 70,000 awakened beings by the end of this year. We will change the consciousness of the planet as with each awakened being we affect 100,000 others to awaken (70,000 X 100,000 = 7 billion people.) Already all over the world in the Oneness Movement there are many beings who are already God-realized (in various states of Awakening) and they affect millions of people. The Oneness Blessing (Deeksha in India) is a phenomenon and changing people very rapidly.

Doug talked about three ways of awakening, and how we Westerners are usually on the Intellectual "book after book & workshop after workshop" process which can work but slowly. Then he spoke of a path of seva (service) which is wonderful and faster. However, Doug considers Bhakthi - the path of passionate devotion to God, as the one preferred in India, and may be the fastest. He joked of a direct Divine connection comparing turtle mail to email then DSL, Cable and now the ultimate "fiberoptic".

"As long as we feel like the 'doer', we will feel separate from the Divine. He spoke of new fully surrendered people rolling on the ground with belly laughs with the realization: "I am God" after all else is stripped away."Remember Bhakthi is not a craving but a passion. You have to really want it. Command it and it will happen. The great Surrender - I want it now!"

Doug spoke of this Oneness Blessing Giving (Deeksha) being a phenomenon and not a structure. "Facilitating this phenomenon (Deeksha) is like re-starting an old engine, that has not started in a long time - like a '57 Chevy."

With more humorous simplicity, Doug spoke of the vitalness of setting right relationships starting with forgiving yourself. Self/other acceptance - "A Monk serving an 'Avatar" was not exactly what Doug's parents wanted to hear. Now that he accepts his humanness that much more, the more he accepts his parents and realizes they are his teachers too. "Everyone is perfect where they are. Everyone is bringing you to the light. The external world is a mirror to your internal world." He told us about a romantic couple who decided not to blame each other, but to look at themselves deeply & give each other complete freedom. "Stay with the sensation not the story when processing hurt feelings'. What seems to be landmark is not not feeling hurt but how quickly you move out of the pain. There are one million "Mukhti" who can get over a charge in 30 secs. What you resist persists & what you hate, you become. Friendships are ultimately the highest form of relationship."

"Nothing is more important than becoming fully enlightened but you are in charge of your own process."

"Dirty dog" example - the more Doug awakens, the more he laughs at himself,the more he says he sees his hypocrisey. How one of his peers told him - "you think you are a dirty dog, you ain't seen nothing yet, I have been here 20 years, and you have been here only 5. - I am the real dirty dog!"

Self-described "skeptic" reluctantly learns how great it is to be around Sri. Bhagwan. "He is usually silent, but when he says something, we hear something very significant."

No Dogma (my words) Oneness U. - complete freedom to spread Deeksha our way -"Bhagwan is basically a scientist who sees the amazing changes going on in the brain during Awakening with Deeksha and wants people to spread it in their own way, own faith. He met with a physicist who understands the Mayan Calendar and agrees with him that the time is Now and the significance of 2012. He wants us to do it our way."
"We are doing everything we can as fast as possible on whatever path you are already on. Again, Deeksha is not an organization - do Deeksha your way - be creative (hmm, maybe I will use the mindbending spoon bending as a tool to spread Deeksha?) However, whatever way we do Deeksha, lets work as an overall team in order to jumpstart critical mass."

Belly laughing rolling around on the ground, after I fully realize the Divine is the Doer?" - Hope so!

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