Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


...Another Spirit View Dream Escape...


i was 'beamed' onto a crystal stage...under a spot light 'cage'...

"where Am I?...why? i whispered...

the glowing orbs ...they all came around me...settling into crystal balconies...

trembling ..."what?" i wimpered....

silence...then all at once gloriously, they all began to sing Adiemus* to me...

This Digital Light Painting created with ArtRage software...Visions x Kam October 2008

*closest version of Adiemus that I could find on you tube

This is a placeholder for artwork that would not upload...yet
CloudsEdgeStudio ~ Another Dreamscape:

Opening scene: starts from a (familiar from other dreams) huge star base atelier where I am so impressed with its lighting and accouterments I am applying for a new position...I go into a waiting room... i see stardust on the table and draw with my finger...then my my interviewer appears...telepaths '"leave your portfolio behind you wont need it where we are going... we already know your gifts" she beckons to me... we pass through narrowing doorways to the threshhold spiralling staircase... then lithe white haired guidess leads me up through a the crystal spiraling "staircase" (I walk as she floats up alongside me glowing white and fuzzy haired). We arrive at the An even grander round 'crystalline' studio..she leads me to the centre ring we gaze over the edge of clouds looking down on Earth from far above (zooming in and out effortlessly to view humans, plants, cities oceans etc...) and as she opened her hand toward Earth she telepathed to me "this is the Ultimate Studio...You are A creator...This is Your Canvas...Your Medium is Water... I telepathed "watercolors?" ...Answer ...Oh yes, much more than ever before...You'll create with the Multispectral Magnetic Waters of the Universe...

Note...I couldnt get the image that goes with to upload...oh'll have to wait for the sequellll tee hee heee!

This is a segment of a series of dreams i've written down and sketched images seen that are beginning to all fit together now that I am coming into higher levels of self realization...

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