Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Dwell in I can


As the World Becomes filled with

An increased Energy of those that think I can’t,

And as it seems to become harder

to just make it through the day.


Take a moment to dwell in I can.

Come back to the Fresh place of possibilities,

Where you Can believe anew

 in what you Can do.


For now is the time of new Beginnings.

Now is the time of bringing

 a higher reality into Being.


And while there will be times you learn

From what you can not do.

All of those lessons,

Will bring you  to the foundation of I can.


So believe again!

Direct all of your mind set in the confidence,

Of your souls’ power of Being.


Your life is your dream,

Your life is your foundation to bring, with God’s will

A way that you can.

And you Can with God’s Love and Light.

For you are aligned with a power far greater than you know,

And with that divine energy within you,

You will find the miracle of hope and Belief,

when you dwell in I can.

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