Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Every one who lives their life
As if it is the silence deep within the night
Provides the stillness for the stars
Clear reflections in our minds

Every one who lives their life
As if it is the dream holding up the sky
Provides the colors of the stars
Dear inspirations thru our lives

Every one who lives their life
As if it is the song singing out of light
Provides the music for the stars
Dancing circles thru the nights

Every one who lives their life
As if it is loves story woven through all time
Provides the pure light of the stars
Shining sweetly thru our eyes

So Much
Of This Songs’
Creation Comes From
Knowing of You and Me
Separate Together

The Order of and
Ending of Each Verse
Its' Placement Important
Content Meaningful
Always True

You Are and I Am Forever
Inspired By Each Medicine Holder
In Our Lives of Which
I Am and You Are Forever. . .
A Part Of Why
I Thank You
So Much

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Comment by Gregory Byron Goble on May 22, 2010 at 4:57am
Dreaming People... if you dream this perhaps you have a download of any version of this song... I dream that someone would love to put this version to the tune anew... and send it to you know who... adui.. amir...
Comment by Gregory Byron Goble on May 21, 2010 at 11:32am
Origin, Roots, or More? Please let me know any more information about this song. thanks -gbgoble
The tune is from the following and I give thanks. The words of “Everyone Who Lives Their Life” are mostly mine… your welcome! Medicine...
"Singing the Journey", a supplement to "Singing the Living Tradition", UUA hymnal, 25 Beacon Street, Boston, MA ISBN-1-55896-499-1, copyright 2005 [p. 1059, "May Your Life Be as a Song", words by Jim Scott. Music by Yuri Zaritsky (based on Russion Folk tune), aka: "Hymn to the Russian Earth"]. TEXT: "May your life be as a song, Resounding with the dawn to sing awake the light. And softly serenade the stars! Ever dancing circle is the night."
Paul Winter Consort's "Missa Gaia" recorded lyrics:"If the People lived their lives, as if they were a song for singing out of light... Provides the music for the stars! To be dancing circles in the night."


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