Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Everyone has an all access pass to God

How would you Clothe the Raw Spirit

Of God’s Love,

When this Spirit it holds

Is naked and free.


How would you dress,

 what needs to be seen,

When it’s invisible, beyond words,

And yet holds the key.


It is the Greatest gift that you’ve been given,

               resides inside of you

               When you truly believe this

               Would you just sit there quietly,

In the face of all you knew?


Would you sell the secrets,

As if you could own the Way.

When God’s gifts are given freely,

And are there to guide you in everyday.


All can hear the calling,

All can hear the Word,

It only takes your heart to Follow,

What’s given to you by the Lord.


The world is still evolving,

And there is so much need,

We all can choose the Work to do,

If we just let Spirit guide us

              For Each heart knows this is true.


God’s Love resides

Naked and Free in every Soul,

               and is waiting there for you.


                So share the blessings given freely

                And Trust in God’s Love and you’ll find,

                Spirits Way is unlimited,

                let it be your guide.

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