Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

For Bob Longhi, who passed on Yesterday 7/30/12

The Road that never ends.

And what will guide you through the darkest night

If not the faith planted deep within your soul.

And what will lead you to your new home

If not the peace that’s there to know.


and all the friends you had who passed along

wait to greet you and guide you on,

and all the blessed angels who watch and wit

bless the path you’re on.


It seems there is a lifeline

That lives deep in our souls,

An anchor deep inside us,

That waits for that moment

When it’s time to go.


Hold steady in the heart of love

And know it’s greater far than fear.

Hold steady in the presence

Of God’s energy that’s waiting there.


For even in the darkest night

There is a light that shines.

It burns with the fire eternal

And always is there to lead us on.


And faith is there with such great strength.

For you believe and know it’s true,

Everything you gave to those you knew

Comes back a hundred fold to you.


And when your life here is over,

You know another one has just begun.

And those who loved you wish well

As you begin again.


The spirit of your soul lives on

Even though your time here is done.

Have a blessed journey my friend,

On the road that never ends.

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