Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hi Brooks Cole,
Thanks for your very magical inviting energy. It has a great feeling of warmth and possibilities. Eye love the potentials you present for all of us to merge, celebrate and share ourselves as our gifts. As the creator of "" eye trust that we can employ our collective energies in the creation of productive and prosperous new personal and global moods.
We are certainly choosing to do the most spectacular and fulfilling thing we could ever imagine. The truth is that we are ready and the world is waiting. So here we come with all of who we are already complete and whole and capable of doing every fulfilling thing that we will choose to do.

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Comment by desmond green on January 10, 2009 at 5:47pm
Thank you Brenda for your very kind comments. You and eye and all of those who are gathering here have indeed come full circle in consciousness to ourselves. We have paid our dues and earned our understanding of ourselves as divine humans. We have traveled through the wastelands of ignorance and self doubt to this beautiful opening in which we can accept ourselves completely and the rest of life unconditionally.This wonderful state of consciousness is truly our destiny and our community is our family with whom to celebrate and share our joy in confidence.
Thanks for your warmth and decision to trust yourself and all of us who are doing the same along with all those who are on their way to join our circle.
Comment by Brenda McMorrow - Music for Opening the Heart on January 10, 2009 at 5:00pm
Desmond, What beautiful words and the loving energy is inspiringly wonderful. Thank you for sharing and for expressing truth so openly here.
Many blessings,
Comment by desmond green on January 10, 2009 at 9:12am
Thank you Lenita for your beautiful overflowing warmth. We are truly the eternal family circle achieving self discovery and self acceptance. This feeling of belonging that emanates from all of us at once is so satisfying and fulfilling that we can rest assured that this is truly what we have envisioned and dreamed about all of our lives.The best part about it is that the only way to keep it is to give it away. We will therefore give it away to those closest to us in the forms of smiles, hugs, passionate greetings, and the countless number of ways in which we can share ourselves. Then we can give it to our perceived enemies and friends and every one who comes to mind.
This is what living in fun is all about. So until we talk again, thanks and abundant outpouring of love to you and all of yours.
Comment by Lenita on January 10, 2009 at 3:03am
Hi Desmond

Thank you for your words, Sending you love and blessings in abundance!

Comment by Music Diva ~ on January 9, 2009 at 7:35pm
I've always named our family reunion "Full Circle Family Reunion" this is great. Yes it is a collective energy of creation of productive and personal moods. Thank you for sharing with all of us Desmond.
Comment by desmond green on January 9, 2009 at 2:53pm
Thank you Richard,
It is a joy to open our eyes to ourselves and accept that we are already one. To realize that we are in fellowship now and that we will be so forever. This is the realization that blows minds and open hearts to who we all are as beings experiencing the one divine reality in different human bodies.
Looking forward to greater understanding as we share our gifts.
Comment by Richard Lukens on January 9, 2009 at 2:20pm
Ahmen.... welcome to the community Desmond.... look forward to getting to know you through this site... please contribute as you wish...



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