Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Gifts Given

Just the glimmering of Glory
Shines through to Your Soul.
Just the Sweet Echoes of the Souls Voice
Whispers of the Truth Heard.
Yet some Part of you is alive with those
Gifts given.

As we ask to see the light Behind the Light
of the One who blesses us.
And as we listen for the Promise given to the
Souls who Join in the Circle
Of those who work for the Worlds Salvation.

Each Pilgrim on the path Hears what is needed
To journey on.

Each Devoted student who believes
Feels the blessings given.
And the Radiant transforming Power of Love
Is streamed forth from the Source.

The very being of each Spirit
Is renewed and Rededicated.

The inner Promise is given again,
as it was at the beginning of the long Journey,
And the Life’s choices are released to Gods Will.

As each bows before the One
Who would Guide us on the path
of Love and Light.
And we give thanks for the gifts Given
And for all those who work together
As devoted servants of God.

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