Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Grid & Matrix Construction Work
Energy Alert

Beloved Earth Students,
This channeling is being brought to you by "The Friends of Arch-Angel Uriel," please nod your head when you are reading this so that Arch-Angel Uriel knows that you are listening.

Okay, in conjunction with the scheduled maintenance on the Earth Grids, the Cosmic Bireptilian Janitorial crew will be performing a spring clean up that will impact traffic in the following locations:

All Matrices and Grids will have multiple lane closings in the USA sector, on the nights of: March 11th, 12th and 13th from 11pm -5am, a 4 way stop is mandatory.

Traffic control has issued a yellow solar plexus alert, advising that any unnecessary trips out into the grids and matrices, may result in sporadic gridlock. Please reduce your speed, tickets will be issued for unnecessary speeding or lane jumping.

Grid and Matrix travel is becoming increasingly popular as the price of crude oil goes up, and this is the first step towards expanding the popular routes to accommodate the abundance of you, dear ones, who are attempting to ascend.

Don't travel the grids unless it is absolutely necessary!

Or, use an alternate route... Expect delays.

Dimensional Borders - new fence construction will commence on March 13th. Too many lower vibrational humans have tried to cross the borders into other dimensions, and this will simply not be tolerated. Those who have already ascended past the second sector of 7th Dimensional Zone don't want the lower vibrations hanging with them.

Employment Opportunities:
Dimensional Border Patrols will be established and the Office of Dimensional Security is now accepting applications for Border Guards. Please include your resume with a well written cover letter.

Matrix and Grid maintenance for the rest of the world will be scheduled when we clean up this mess here in the USA. It's always all about the US...

Vortex and Ley Lines - Hours of Operation

Additionally, during this time, Earth Students are being advised that Vortexes in, and around, the United States will close at dusk. The Masters of the Vortex have stated that they'd like to work regular hours just like everyone else.

We expect that the Lords of the Ley Lines will hear about this and will want the same perks as the Masters of the Vortex. Sheesh!

All of this construction work will result in many people feeling disoriented, cranky, tired, and frazzled. The Friends of Arch-Angel Uriel are telling me to tell you, and for you to tell your friends, that this work is hard and that they are not here to listen to our whining or complaints. Our construction workers and maintenance crews are the unsung heroes of this new reality

They are telling me now that diet is very important, The Friends of Arch-Angel Uriel are stating that special calibrated celery sticks are the ticket to survive the coming days.

Namaste and all that crap, till the next time, in the next reality....

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Comment by AkashicWreckage on March 12, 2009 at 7:41am
Jesse, I agree there is a need to create loving protection for our children--- you have a beautiful son! Thank you for your comments!
Blessings to you and your family. :-)
Comment by Jesse Becerra Jr on March 11, 2009 at 9:06am
It's sounds true. Living in the grid has its need for maintenance. Its an opportunity for deep respect and compassion others. My heart guides me. I especially believe this to be true when there is a need to create a loving envelop for my son when living in the grid.
My wife and I can relate to feeling very cranky. My hope is to say no to processed foods and no to sugary nonsense. My diet can improve to beefy up energy. Energy is key. The cost of energy is now set. Internal and external one. All flowing love.
I would love to apply for Border patrol!


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