Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Healing Meditation: Templates of Perfection for the Five Elements & Healing Earth's & our own Five Body System with Divine Mother's Lotus ~ Waves of Bliss


Dear Friends,

August is the month of Abundance. This year the month of August coincides with Shravana, also considered the month of Abundance in the Lunar Indian calendar. The month of Shravana is sacred and special to Divine Mother in her Aspect as Lakshmi, Goddess of Material Possessions and Spiritual Abundance.

Our meditational exercise for this month has three components; 1) a grounding meditation with all Earthly and Cosmic Goddesses, 2) a healing of the 5 Elements to let abundance in, and 3) a personal healing component where Divine Mother clears all our Chakras with a Golden Lotus to remove all dross and bring health, happiness and prosperity. The Golden Lotus Healing is at the end of this long meditation. Please don’t miss this part of the exercise, as it is directly relevant to your personal health and wellbeing.


Gateway Portal Channeling Event will be o Wednesday, 8/8/12 at 7:30 PM ET.

Portal Days in July: 8/1/12, 8/2/12, 8/8/12, 8/10/12, 8/11/12, 8/12/12, 8/18/12, 8/20/12, 8/21/12, 8/22/12, 8/28/12.

There will be 2 Full Moons in August; on 8/2 and 8/31. New Moon is on 8/17. 

May Divine Mother’s abundant love and favors fill your heart, your life and the lives of your loved ones. Thank you for all you do in service to the Divine.




In honor of Divine Mother and Goddess Lakshmi in her sacred month of


The month of Shravana is sacred and special to Divine Mother in her Aspect as Lakshmi, Goddess of Material Possessions and Spiritual Abundance. This year, the lunar month of Shravana falls into late July and August. The important days of celebration are July 27th and 28th Lakshmi Dayor Sri Vara Lakshmi, where she grants all boons. The 1st and 2nd of August fall on a full moon, an auspicious time to perform ceremony to Goddess Lakshmi. August 2nd and 3rd is Rakhi Purnima, when we seek protection from Divine Mother and offer our devotion for an entire year.

August 8 or 8/8 is the most auspicious day of the year for manifesting financial abundance, as 8 is the universal number for prosperity.  August 12th and the 16th which is Harmonic Convergence are other important days.

Note: Making an altar to Lakshmi during these special days and offering candles, flowers (especially pink and red colored flowers) and chanting the Khadga Mala, the Thousand Names to Divine Mother and the 108 Names of Lakshmi while performing the exercises in this course is very auspicious indeed.

For an extensive explanation of Shravana and a print out of the 108 Names, go to


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Templates of Perfection for the Five Elements & Healing Earth’s and our own Five Body System with

Divine Mother’s Lotus

Adapted from 7/7/12 Gateway Portal Channeling with Divine Mother

Grounding Meditation with Uluru and Niagara Falls

If you are familiar with the Grounding Meditation, please scroll down to the Grounding Summary followed by Divine Mother’s Discourse.

Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru or Ayres Rock, a very sacred spot in Central Australia.  It’s a huge rock formation with a flat top.  Imagine standing on top of it and feel this enormous rock whose heart beats in sync with our own Mother Earth.  Simultaneously visualize that you see the Horseshoe Shaped Falls of Niagara Falls.  Imagine that you are also floating out in the air over the falls and the mist is in your face, as the water pours over the falls and broils up in mist.

As we begin our grounding meditation, we have the Earth Element in Uluru and we have the Water Element with Niagara Falls in front of us. Visualize your own Hara Line, a shaft of Light extending from the bottoms of your feet and your tail bone going straight down, all the way to the center of Mother Earth.  Imagine a Pillar of Light that extends down and as it reaches the Core Crystal in the center of Mother Earth. See the Golden Light of the Core Crystal and the Red Life Force Energy of Mother Earth mixing together creating an Amber colored Light; the Amber colored Life Force Energy of Mother Earth is moving up through your Hara Line, up through the bottoms of your feet, up through your legs, filling your body as it moves through your tail bone, up through all of your Chakras.  This Amber colored Life Force Energy is clearing and cleansing your Chakras and filling your Five Body System. As it reaches your Crown Chakra, see that it extends up through the Antahkarana Cord all the way up through the Thrones.  Imagine it going up through all the Dimensions of Reality, all the way to the Throne of Creation, to the Pool of Creation, where this Amber colored Light which extends up the Antahkarana Cord like the trunk of a tree, spreads out in branches and leaves, in the Pool of Creation.

We pull the Amber colored Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation and let it cascade down through the Antahkarana Cord, inside the tree trunk, to your Crown Chakra and into your body.  Feel the Cosmic Life Force Energy now moving through every Chakra, through your Five Body System, down and out the bottoms of your feet into the Hara Line, all the way to the center of the Earth.  You have connected the Life Force Energy of Mother Earth with the Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation.  Both streams continue to flow through you, clearing and cleansing your body, as you are one with Uluru and one with the waters of Niagara Falls.  Take a deep breath.

Grounding Summary

  • Visualize that you are standing on top of Uluru.
  • Simultaneously visualize that you are floating out in the air over the Horseshoe Shaped Falls of Niagara Falls. 
  • Visualize your own Hara Line extending down from the bottoms of your feet and your tail bone to the Core Crystal in the center of Mother Earth.
  • See the Amber colored Life Force Energy of Mother Earth moving up through your Hara Line, up through the bottoms of your feet, up through your legs, filling your body, clearing and cleansing your Chakras and filling your Five Body System.
  • It reaches your Crown Chakra and extends up through the Antahkarana Cord to the Pool of Creation and spreads out like branches and leaves, in the Pool of Creation.
  • Pull the Amber colored Cosmic Life Force Energy from the Pool of Creation and let it cascade down through the Antahkarana Cord to your Crown Chakra and into your body, moving through every Chakra & your Five Body System; down and out the bottoms of your feet into the Hara Line, all the way to the center of the Earth.

Take a deep breath.

Core Crystal of Earth & Grid of Light

Now imagine that you slide down to the Core Crystal of Earth and you are standing before the Sacred Fire at the center of Mother Earth.  On the far side see Divine Mother’s Throne. Visualize Divine Mother is standing directly in front of you now in her ceremonial robes. Copper Gold Light emanating from her body.  She is pouring Copper Gold Light over you.  She is pouring her love over you and a crown is on top of her head.  Take a moment and just feel the love pouring out of Divine Mother.

Great Silent Watcher: Divine Mother takes your right hand and stands to your right. See before you Great Silent Watcher, a huge Cosmic Being with Turquoise Blue Light beaming from her Heart/Cosmic Heart to your Heart/Cosmic Heart a beam of Turquoise Blue Light. From a huge Scepter of Power, see beams of Turquoise Blue Light going to your Eighth Chakra, 12 inches above your Crown Chakra, and to your Earth Crust Chakra, 12 inches below the bottoms of your feet.  Visualize a Seven Pointed Star inside each of these two Chakras that is spinning and receiving the Turquoise Blue Light from Great Silent Watcher and pouring it into a column of Turquoise Blue Light extended between the two Stars going right through your body, through all of your Chakras. Clearing and cleansing your Chakras, it creates a bubble, a cocoon of Turquoise Blue Light around you.  .  Let this cocoon establish itself around you.  This is Great Silent Watcher’s gift, the Energies of Protection, Fearlessness and Divine Power.

Quan Yin and the Energies of Compassion: Now, Quan Yin comes to stand to your left, holding your left hand.  She is dressed in her white robes of white pearls, beaming Pure White Light to you.  We will establish around us now the layers of the Energies of Compassion.  As the Patroness of Compassion, Quan Yin pours over us the Bandwidth of Compassion which takes form in layers around you.  The first layer, closest to your body, is a Dusty Pink color, then the next layer is Vibrant Pink, the next layer is Fuchsia Pink, the next layer is a Golden Pink and then see that the Amber colored Life Force Energy, that is constantly moving from Mother Earth up through us and the Cosmic Amber Life Force Energy that is pouring down, cascading down, creates a cocoon around these layers of Compassion.  Put these layers around you every morning before you go about your day.  Be aware that everything that you touch, everything that you say, everything that you think, everything that you do will be imbued with the Energies of Compassion and ask that Quan Yin be with you to make sure that all that you do is imbued with these layers, the full Bandwidth of Compassion.

Now bring your attention back to the Cocoon of Turquoise Blue Light, Divine Mother holding your right hand, Quan Yin your left, and Great Silent Watcher facing you, her Scepter pouring Turquoise Blue Light into your Eighth Chakra above your head and your Earth Crust Chakra below your feet.  Her Cosmic Heart pouring Turquoise Blue Light to your Cosmic Heart.

Goddess of Victory: Goddess of Victory comes to stand with Aspects of herself in the Seven Directions, the four directions, plus up and down and within. Goddess of Victory sends her Triple layered Light of Victory for all Seven Aspects to you in colors of Lemon Yellow with streaks of Pewter and Platinum colored Light sends an Aspect to stand in front of you, one behind you, one to your right, one to your left, one above you, one below you and one within you – that over-lights you.

144,000 Silent Watchers: Now we call the 144,000 Silent Watchers to come and stand in circles upon circles around us.  Each one of these Silent Watchers holds their Scepter up pouring the Turquoise Blue Light, amplifying what Great Silent Watcher is sending in the Cocoon around you.

10 Billion Angelic Watchers: We call 10 Billion Angelic Watchers, who stand shoulder to shoulder creating a huge cocoon, a bubble of Turquoise Blue, further amplifying the Energies of Great Silent Watcher.  In order to step down the Energies of Great Silent Watcher, she has brought forth the Silent Watchers to step down one level and the Angelic Watchers to step them down the next level, so that these Energies are more palpable to the Third Dimension, to Earth and humankind. Take a deep breath as we stand in this Grid of Light.

Divine Mother wishes that we put ourselves in this Grid every morning when we wake up, and reinforce it as many times as we can think of it, during the day.  Now together with this entire entourage we will move over to stand around the Sacred Altar, the Sacred Altar in the center, at the core of Mother Earth.  Visualize you are standing at the edge of the Altar, Divine Mother to your right, Quan Yin to your left, Great Silent Watcher across from you, Seven Aspects of Victory around you, 144,000 Silent Watchers and 10 Billion Angelic Watchers in circles around us.

Cosmic Goddesses of the Divine Feminine

Cosmic Being Venus: We are going to call forth Goddess, Cosmic Being Venus to come forth and join us standing around the Sacred Altar.  See that Cosmic Being Venus comes in Cobalt Blue colors beaming Cobalt Blue to the fire.  She comes in her ceremonial robes, very regal.

Lady Veyga: We call Lady Vega, See that Lady Vega comes in her range of green colors, from Citron Green, Light Green, all the way to Jade Green with Emerald Green in the middle, beautifully dressed in her robes.

Cosmic Mother of the Universe: Cosmic Mother of the Universe in her Vibrant Pink Light.

Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos: Cosmic Mother of the Cosmos in her Amber colored Light.

All of these Cosmic Beings have been called by Divine Mother, but they have all come of their own free will to help Divine Mother, and to help Earth and humankind and to bring the Energies of the Divine Feminine; to prepare us to embrace our own Divinity and to begin a life of peace and harmony. These Energies haven’t been awake on Earth for thousands of years.

Mother has invited, and these Cosmic Beings have agreed to come and stand by our side as well as Divine Mother’s side, to bring the Divine Feminine (over the past couple of years) embraced by and fully embodying the pure Qualities and the Energies of the Divine Feminine, moving away from the corruption, moving away from all the negativity and the lower vibrational energies that have had their way with Earth and humankind for so long.

Earthly Goddesses of the Divine Feminine

Now, we also call out to the Goddesses who work more closely with Earth and humankind, and ask them to come forth now and be over-lighted, to be amplified, and have their energies magnified by these Cosmic Beings.  We call forth:

Mother Mary,

Goddess Pele,

Goddess Hecate,

Goddess Athena,

Lady Nada,

Goddess Aphrodite,

Goddess Saraswati,

Goddess Lakshmi,

Goddess Durga,

Goddess Kali,

Goddess Gaia.

We send our love our gratitude to all of them and invite them to this circle.  See each one of these Goddesses as they step forward, see also that throngs and throngs of Angelic Beings are coming from all directions in support of the Divine Feminine, Divine Mother and these Cosmic Beings who have offered themselves at great sacrifice to come and stand by our side, and in support of the Goddesses who deal with Earth and in support of Earth and humankind.

Sanat Kumara: We now invite Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos. Dressed in his Fuchsia Pink ceremonial robes, he stands next to Great Silent Watcher.  The Energies of the Divine Feminine will purify Earth, to accelerate Earth and humankind so that Sanat Kumara can bring his Energy closer to Earth. That people of Earth reach out to our Planetary Logos to come back.

As you stand at the Sacred Altar, set your intentions, say your prayers, thank every one of the Beings who have come forth in service to Earth, humankind, Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine.

Templates of Perfection for the Five Elements & Healing Our & Earth’s Five Body System with Divine Mother’s Lotus

My beloved children of Light, I Am your very own Divine Mother.

Take a deep breath and visualize that every Being who has been called on your behalf is now offering theirSignature Energy to the Sacred Altar in front of all of us.  Also envision that a miniature aspect of the planet is suspended in the air above us.  All the Goddesses are offering their specific Signature Energy and whatever Quality they bring.

For example, Quan Yin brings Compassion, Mother Mary brings Divine Love, Great Cosmic Being Venus brings Divine Empowerment, Goddess Victory brings her Quality of Victory, and Great Silent Watcher brings her Protection, Fearlessness and Cosmic Empowerment, so on and so forth.  Also, each of them is sending their Signature Light.  Great Silent Watcher is Turquoise, Cosmic Being Venus is the Cobalt Blue, and Goddess Victory has her Triple Light of Platinum, Pewter and Lemon Gold.  All the Goddesses have their own individual Signature Energies.  If you don’t know what that Signature Energy is, that’s perfectly fine, they do.   They remember what their own Signature Energy is.  In fact, wherever they go, that vibration, that Light follows them, precedes them and encompasses everything.

I want you to focus on the fire, as everyone simultaneously sends their Signature Energy and the Qualitythat they hold on Earth or on behalf of Earth.  The miniature aspect suspended above us is receiving the accumulated impact of what is being sent into the fire.  The tongues of fire rise high and bathe the miniature aspect of planet Earth in their Golden Fiery Light.  We are specifically focusing on clearing the Five Elements.

Perfected Template for the Element of Earth

We call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elemental Beings who are in charge of the Element of Earth and we ask them to bring their own Signature Energy and we call the Template of Perfection for the Element of Earth, the Template of the Return of Perfection for the Elemental of Earth. We ask the Great Silent Watcher to bring the highest aspect of the Cosmic Source for the Element of Earth.  We ask Goddess Victory to make it Victorious.  We ask every one of the Goddesses, Cosmic and Earthly, to add their own Signature Energy to purify and cleanse the Element of Earth and to establish the anchoring of the Perfected Aspect for the Element of Earth.

See the Grid Matrix around the Earth absorb the Perfection from the Template and replace the old Template with the new Perfected Template for the Element of Earth.  We will repeat this same sequence for all Five Elements.  While the Angelic Forces of the Element of Earth are bringing the Template and administering the energy of the Perfected Template of Earth upon the Grid Matrix of Earth, illuminating the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix ,we will continue by moving on to the Element of Water.

Perfected Template for the Element of Water

We are inviting the Angelic Forces who are in charge of the Element of Water and the Elemental Beings who work with the Element of Water.  We ask the Great Silent Watcher to bring forth the Perfected Template of the Element of Water from its Cosmic Source and we ask Goddess Gaia to see to it that the planet suspended above our heads is fully receiving the Purified and Perfected Template, thereby clearing and cleansing the Element of Earth and Element of Water.  Breathe and bathe and see a huge Aspect of Goddess Gaia, towering over the Globe that is suspended above us and see that Elemental Beings and Angelic Forces are swarming around the Earth, receiving the blessing from Gaia as they are administering the Perfected Template upon the suspended miniature aspect of Earth.  Everything that we do for this miniature aspect is happening simultaneously for the actual sized Earth beneath our feet.  Again every Cosmic Being, every Earthly Goddess including Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, and Goddess Gaia add their own Signature Energy, add their own Light and the Quality which they bring to Earth.

The Planetary Logos brings the consciousness of Perfection to Earth.  His job is to shift the vibration of Earth so that the consciousness of all souls is raised to the perfection of the Divine Plan.  Every creature has a Template that is the Perfection of its potential.  Everything in existence in all Dimensions and in all Realities has a Perfect Template.  So when it becomes corrupted, we retrieve the Perfect Template and we replace the corruption or the corrupted Template with the Perfect Template.  Now, is it as simple and easy as this?   In theory it is.  In practice too, it is.  The only glitch is time.

When we live in Third Dimensional Reality where time has been so slowed down that the density affects it, as it has been in the recent past few thousand years, then switching the Old Template with the New Template can’t be an event that happens spontaneously.  However, we can accelerate it to an exponential degree and we can etch the new groove for the Perfected Templates immediately.  When we set these intentions, the actual “idea of Perfection” is completely etched into the fabric of the Reality immediately.  How long it takes to become fully active depends on how much emphasis is placed on it.  That means how many people focus on it becoming a Reality and how many times each day, each night, each week, each month, each year the exercise is repeated until it becomes permanent. Just as it has taken many thousands of years for the Five Elements to become corrupted, it has the potential of taking many thousands of years for it to become Perfected.  However, we are using every shortcut possible to magnify the impact exponentially so that instead of a few thousand years for the return of perfection it would be a few years, a few months, a few weeks, even possibly a few days.

Containing Wildfires & Poisonous Waters

When a number of people focus on a higher perspective, using the Element of Earth, the Element of Water, the Element of Air, the Element of even Fire, change can happen.  Poisonous waters cleared by focus of people who choose to think thoughts of Light, love, blessing and mercy.  Fires can be contained when you send them the Violet Flame of Transmutation and you call to the higher perspective of the Element of Fire and ask that it would contain itself and not cause harm.  You may call upon Goddess Victory to come and help with the containment.  You can call upon the Great Silent Watcher to bring her Protection.  These are ways that you can help.

This exercise will also be perfectly viable in earthquake zones.  So when you feel the need to send Light to specific earthquake zones call upon the Great Silent Watcher, call upon Goddess Victory, call upon the Violet Flame of Transmutation and bring forth the Element of Earth.  Call upon the Element of Earth and say to the Element of Earth you have help.  Call upon Goddess Gaia and ask her to supervise and then ask Great Silent Watcher for protection, ask Victory to make Earth Victorious in her effort to move and shake herself up and off of her dross in the areas where the moving and shaking is necessary to raise the vibration of Earth.  It is as simple as that.

Now bring your attention back to the two Elements: the Element of Earth and the Perfected Template of Earth, the Element of Water and the Perfected Template of Water.  Bring your attention to the presence of the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Earth and the Element of Water.  Bring your attention to Goddess Gaia peering over and empowering the etching of the Perfected Template into the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix.

Perfected Template for the Element of Fire

Now we call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Fire.  We ask Goddess Gaia once again to bless it and we call upon the Perfected Template for the Element of Fire.  We specifically call upon the presence of Great Silent Watcher to send Protection so that the Element of Fire is capable of transmuting everything that it needs to transmute to raise the vibration but to leave the forests intact, to leave people’s homes intact, to raise the vibration for the Element of Fire by etching the fabric of thePerfected Template of the Element of Fire in the place of the corrupted one.  The Perfected Template will prevent the wildfires, it will prevent the fire from going awry.  We call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals.  It is the job of these Angelic Forces and the Elementals to constantly watch over the Element of Fire.

When you hear about forest fires, when you hear about fires raging, call upon the Elementals for the Element of Fire, call upon the Angelic Forces for the Element of Fire, call upon the Perfected Template by holding your Scepter of Power above your head kneeling before the Great Silent Watcher and Goddess of Victory, asking the Great Silent Watcher to bring her Cosmic Protection, asking Goddess Victory to bring her Torch of Victory, her Quality of Victory, to make the etching of the Template of Perfection for the Element of Fire a reality and to replace the need for all these wildfires that pollute all the other environments, all the other Elements,  while it will be decades before the karma that has been released can then be replaced with beautiful wildlife, beautiful flora and fauna and the rebuilding of people’s homes along with the removal of the shock and the grief from the hearts of those who lose their lives, from the hearts of those who remain in sadness and grief for their losses of people, places, and things.  Losing one’s environment, losing one’s home, losing one’s place of work is a great shock, losing the beautiful forest and the wildlife is a great shock to Earth, to Goddess Gaia.

We specifically ask Great Silent Watcher to send her Cosmic Light and to abate the wildfires, to protect people, places, and things.  We specifically call upon Goddess Victory and ask for her Energies and Qualities of Victory to raise the vibration of these Base Elements and to remove the corruption, transmute the corruption before it needs to become so rampant so as to take over forests and people’s homes, so rampant that it has become poisonous water, poisonous lands.  We specifically ask Goddess Victory and Great Silent Watcher for their help.  We specifically ask for all the Aspects of the Divine Feminine, the Earthly Goddesses, the Cosmic Goddesses and we specifically ask Sanat Kumara, whose consciousness protects and shields this planet and everything that happens on this planet.  We ask Sanat Kumara to bring his Protection, the Protection that every Logos provides to their planet.

Sanat Kumara is heartbroken because of everything that has transpired in the past few thousand years, his exile from the planet that is so close to his own heart.  We call him to come and to rescue and to forgive and to begin to allow his consciousness to shield the planet once again and to raise the vibration of theFive Elements.

Perfected Templates for the Elements of Air and Ether

While the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for the Element of Fire, Water and Earth are restoring the Perfected Template and the Great Silent Watcher and Goddess Victory and all the Cosmic and Earthly Goddesses are adding their Qualities, we call upon the Angelic Forces and the Elementals for theElemental of Air. We call upon the Perfected Template by kneeling before Great Silent Watcher and asking that she would send the Cosmic Perfection from the Cosmic Source for the clearing of the Element of Air. Finally we call upon the Perfected Template for the Element of Ether and the Angelic Forces and the Elementals who are in charge of the Element of Ether.

Once again kneeling before the Great Silent Watcher, we ask for all imperfections and corruption in the Element of Ether be released. We ask Great Silent Watcher to bring from her Cosmic Source the Perfected Template and that Goddess Victory makes it Victorious and accelerate the process of administering the Perfection.

Bring your attention to Goddess Gaia as she is pouring her own love to the Angelic Forces and the Elementals and making sure that the Perfected Template is etched into the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix that is suspended above this Sacred Fire.  All the Five Elements are now represented in their Perfection.  You should see a profusion of colored lights emanating from the Grid Matrix.  This is what should be etched into your mind’s eye.  Now that we have done the clearing, what is important, is for you to always remember Earth with the Grid Matrix in place and with the Crossing Points of the Grid Matrix illuminated with a profusion of Light, with Goddess Victory holding the Torch of Victory to illuminate the entire planet, with Great Silent Watcher holding her Scepter showering Turquoise Blue Light to protect the entire planet and the Five Elements, the consciousness of all souls and to accelerate time itself, as all the Earthly and Cosmic Goddesses and all Aspects of the Divine Feminine send their own Light, their own Love, their own specific Qualities, their own specific Signature Energy. This profusion of Light is pulsing and vibrating.

Celestial music is ringing in the air and the Angelic Forces and the Elementals are singing and dancing and administering to the etching of the Perfected Template and the removal of imperfections.  If every Elemental and every Angelic Force for each of the Five Elements is called to get busy in the administering of Perfection and removing the imperfections, there would be no need for earthquakes, wildfires and poisonous waters and polluted air.  Envision the Five Templates fully etched into the great Grid Matrix of Earth.

Divine Mother’s Golden Lotus

Now envision that your very own Divine Mother stands at the edge of the Sacred Fire.  I hold a large Lotusin my hand.  I will dip this Lotus into the fire.  It will turn into a Copper Golden Lotus. I will rub it on every Chakra of your body to balance the Five Elements within your body.

I will begin by rubbing it on top of your head over your Crown Chakra, on the Lotus that sits on top of your own head, called the Thousand Petalled Lotus.  The Thousand Petalled Lotus will open up when a human being reaches Enlightenment.  I will fill your Thousand Petalled Lotus with the Golden Light that is emanating from this Golden Lotus in my hands.  I will rub it on your Third Eye; I will rub it on your Throat Chakra and on the back of your neck – your Channeling Chakra.  I will rub it all over your chest from shoulder to shoulder, front and back, this way your Cosmic Heart Personal Heart Chakras are bathing in it; your lungs and everything inside your torso is illuminated in this Copper Gold Light. I will rub it to your Solar Plexus, front and back.  Between the Solar Plexus and the Personal Heart Chakra is the Seat of the Soul Chakra.  It is the Chakra that is not talked about because in the past several thousand years it has been dormant.  I very specifically rub it on that Chakra, called the Seat of the Soul, front and back, because I need to illuminate your Seat of the Soul Chakra for your Soul to commune with your Personality Aspects; for your Soul to help you accomplish what you have come to Earth to accomplish – your Divine Mission.

Your entire torso is now illuminated, including your Solar Plexus, your Sacral Plexus, front and back, your Root Chakra, front and back and below.  Your Root Chakra funnels energy in three directions, to the front, to the back and downward to Earth. I will rub it in all three areas to open all three channels of your Root Chakra. I will then continue by rubbing it on the front and back of your knees – your knees need the support –  and top and bottom of your feet.  Then I will point it to your Earth Crust Chakra.  The Earth Crust Chakra connects you to the Core of the Earth where pure energies can nurture you.

Keep your Earth Crust Chakra clear and connect it through your Hara Line to the center of Earth pulling energy from the Core Crystal, from the Sacred Fire that is always illuminated in this Altar inside the Core Crystal. Always remember this image to remain grounded and healthy.  You also help the Earth pull the Perfection into its Reality and etch the Reality of Perfection into her body and heal her.  See the profusion of light pulsing from the center of Earth into the crust of the Earth, into the atmosphere of the Earth, and envision that the Five Body System of Earth is receiving, absorbing, emanating and sending it outward.


Envision all Cosmic Beings of Light sending their Light to the fire jumping up, the Angelic Forces and the Elementals of the Five Elements have etched their Perfected Aspect of that Element, with the help of Victory and Great Silent Watcher, into the Grid Matrix. Envision that I have cleared your Chakras from the top of your head to below your feet with this Golden Lotus.  That your Hara Line is directly connected and the Five Elements within your Five Body System have been fully cleared. Also, the Five Elements within the Five Body System of Earth have been fully cleared.  Always in your mind’s eye see this miniature Aspect of Earth pulsing with a profusion of Lights that carry the Signature Energy and the Quality of all the Earthly and Cosmic Aspects of the Divine Feminine.

Do this exercise for a minimum of 33 days.

I hold each and every one of you in my own heart with great joy, with great love and with great, great gratitude.  I AM your very own Divine Mother.  So It Is.

© FAGU 2012


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