Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I just need to talk, won't somebody listen?

The other day I tuned into Dr Phil Mc Graw, the focus on the show was to provide a wake-up call experience to two young boys who were already in trouble with the law ( DUI’s & Theft (alcohol related )

Most of the show took place in San Quentin prison where several inmates were showing these two young men and the world what prison is really like.

The one area that stuck out for me is when I heard repeatedly that they (inmates) had never had anyone to talk to when they were feeling confused, or upset as young men. They had no healthy mentors to look up to and to guide them.

For so many, old generational patterns just keep getting lived out over and over.
It seems that we are only as sick as our secrets. Those areas of shock, pain, abandonment, betrayal and abuse to name a few that have not been dealt with.

The prisons in the US are full to overflow and we keep building more prisons.
More than ever the youth need to talk and most of all be heard.

Does the world at large also need someone to talk to and to listen? Is that why computers, blogs, on line groups are so popular? Even with all of these technologies, are we really being heard? Are we really telling our “truth” healing our secrets?

Studies show that young children are not learning and developing interaction skills based on- and in -real time. They are living in a non reality, a virtual reality.
hours and hours a day via computers, cell phone, ipods, etc.

Bruce Lipton author of ” Biology of Belief “ says conscious parenting, starts with awareness of ourselves. We must ask ourselves what happened in our lives (the sub conscious programs you got from childhood). These automatic behaviors are acquired from parent to parent generation to generation and must be healed.

We need to shift the belief that we are victims of circumstances beyond our control. If you tell a child it’s average and that’s the program, the child cannot exceed average because the brain will say, ‘this doesn’t make sense’. So no matter how hard that child tries it will unconsciously creates average.

So, how do we help the world heal, to create a place to talk and be heard, to educate, and feel supported?

The media, and all its off shoots. How about television teaching us useful information like, if we want to change our world we must change our mind. New Biology states that our minds control our genes, which creates experience, which creates society.

Nameste~ Charlene www.charleneryan.con

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Comment by AkashicWreckage on March 16, 2009 at 7:12am
So much food for thought here, Charlene. I read this post last week, and it's been following me in my head since then!

You said:
"Bruce Lipton author of ” Biology of Belief “ says conscious parenting, starts with awareness of ourselves. We must ask ourselves what happened in our lives (the sub conscious programs you got from childhood). These automatic behaviors are acquired from parent to parent generation to generation and must be healed.

We need to shift the belief that we are victims of circumstances beyond our control. If you tell a child it’s average and that’s the program, the child cannot exceed average because the brain will say, ‘this doesn’t make sense’. So no matter how hard that child tries it will unconsciously creates average.

So, how do we help the world heal, to create a place to talk and be heard, to educate, and feel supported?"

I believe that the greatest path to healing begins within our own selves, extends to our families, and spreads out from there. My dad used to say, and it's probably in the bible somewhere too, "Charity begins at home."

When I think about the common definition of charity, it doesn't seem to jive with what my dad used to say. Nor did I particularly care for how he used to say the phrase to me because it usually meant that I wasn't being nice to my brothers. Yet, home IS where we might first learn about love, and being cared for and about---and it's from that foundation that children either flourish or flounder.

It goes beyond seeing to the basic needs of children---although I would dare to say that perhaps one of the reasons why our prisons are so filled, and one of the biggest growth industries is the building of new prisons---could have at its core that the basic needs of our children are not being met.

When the most basic of needs aren't being met, the engagement and participation in the lives of our children, from where can the child find the listening ears, from where does the child gain the nourishment and nurturing that the child needs to truly grow into the selves they so want to grow into?

I'm not so sure that the television, or other media venues, teaching these growth aspects of the spirit is how even part of the solution begins. I believe it can serve as a harmful distraction away from interaction.

Far too often, I've heard the comment, "Oh my---children these days grow up far too quickly!" Do our children really "grow up" that fast, or is there a part of their growth that goes unnoticed, unanswered and unsupported? I believe we do see evidence of that each day.

The good news is that we are becoming more aware of the mind to mind, soul to soul and heart to heart interactions that, in my opinion, are part of the core of conscious parenting---and more and more people are consciously participating in the co-creation of the spirits of the children they have been charged with bringing into, and out to, the world.

Thanks for this topic, and thank you for the realizations that came from reading your thoughts.



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