Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

In the Realms of Angels

In the realms of Angelic beings
The numbers of the Ones doing the Work
Of God are Legion
The Realm is limitless
And the Call for Intercession is Constant

The Angels of the Lord have given their existence
To the aid and protection of those who work
For the Good of humankind.
All works are done with Joy and with great Compassion
For there is a clear understanding of each souls Journey
And indeed many souls have called forth lessons to be learned
that are needed to be experienced for the growth of the individual
and for the good of the World.
So often we watch and often with Loving kindness we wait.
And when we reach out and touch a life, many times
The One being Blessed is not aware of a miracle happening.

So the Love of the ANGELS IS

So great is the Love in the Works of Gods Angelic realm
That there is need for more to do the work of God.
A Call has gone out for those who can hear on the Earthly realm
To aid in the works of the ANGLELS.
To learn to help and be of Support for the ones in need
For the new world that is emerging is at a level where Angels can work with humankind.
And indeed humans can merge with Angels to do God’s work on Earth.

Bless the Angels in the Realm of the Highest.
And allow them to Guide you.
Allow them to work through you .
And believe in the Miracles that they have brought
and continue to Bring.
For theirs is a True Labor of Love from the Highest
Give Thanks and Receive their Blessings.

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