Back in Marin California,, about 1988,,I was inspired,, to create!,,,,,,,,,,,,, I Humbly started The international PEACE TRAIN,,this was way before the internet frenzy,, and work was,,hands on,, cut and paste litterally,, is there a spell check gizmo here? or does it really matter,, so I did alot of writing,,and continue,,even now,, but have never gotten around to spreadding it all out loud,,so this is now, my intention,,I will be adding, day by day, the history of WORLD PEACE FOR FREE(tm)
I, as most of you folks too, have a very busy day job,, but am determined to really do this!! so keep on looking as I add up all the peices and lets all get togeather,, we live in the promised land,,, already,, !
My vision,is , as Carlos Santana says," World Peace is possible in OUR lifetimes,, " and I know its just a fraction of a turn away,,, so lets get where we want our children's kids to be,,in a world where RESPECT means something!!more later ,,,thomas
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