Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'm always writing random thoughts down on random pieces of paper and today I came across these two from a few years ago. Does anyone else think about these things or have an opinion? I'm going to type them as I wrote them, so it may not be that easy to follow.

From a spiritual/mythological/psychological point of view - what are the connections in recorded history (particularly in relation to the Judaic/Christian/Muslim religious traditions) between indigenous peoples of the world, women, and the type of knowledge they represent. What are the implications of Eve, rather than Adam, taking from the Tree of Knowledge? What symbolism is expressed by the veiling of Muslim women? What is the impact in the world of the systematic destruction of indigenous cultures and their spiritual traditions? What are the connecting threads and overall implications of the psychological/mythological wiring that we are living with today. Has the recent resurgence of the women's movement, the recognition of indigenous cultures, the interest in more feminine based spiritual pursuits, the emergence of the environmental movement and other moves in this direction as well as the fundamentalist growth in reaction to these movements signaled a shift in our psychological wiring? Which mythological patterns are we involved in - which stories are we living at this period?

I still don't know the answer to those questions.

Vibration and attraction create the sensual world (coalescence)
Implied in this are stillness and repulsion (solvent, dissolves)
To reach samadhi is to reach stillness - the point where outer reality dissolves - the point of now - beyond time and space concepts as these are part of the sensual world. we "sense" time and space - they are dependent on each other as time is movement through space. Without vibration and attraction space and therefore time can't exist. You experience a dimension beyond space and time and form - the body as well as outside forms cease to exist as separate objects. With this all the psychoemotional elements that separate us also dissolve creating a state described as bliss. Does this mean our psychoemotional states are a result of time and space - it would have to because they are all based on vibration, attraction, and the body as defined by ego. Is this the next evolutionary step?

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Comment by Jeanne on March 7, 2009 at 8:18am
"Has the recent resurgence of the women's movement, the recognition of indigenous cultures, the interest in more feminine based spiritual pursuits, the emergence of the environmental movement and other moves in this direction as well as the fundamentalist growth in reaction to these movements signaled a shift in our psychological wiring?"

Hi Beverly,

Provocative blog! ...asking alot of good questions. I have few answers... but think that our psychological wiring hasn't changed, but rather, as it has evolved and recognized it's capacity to make connections - its ability to see relativity. Our equipment hasn't changed, our consciousness and understanding of how to use it has.

My husband and I love having these kind of conversations over our morning tea. Less keystrokes... more stream of consciousness.



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