Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Justice Dept. fails to deliver justice at Guantanamo

Justice Dept. fails to deliver justice at Guantanamo

Late last night - on the eve of the date President Obama promised to restore justice to a busted Guantanamo detention system - a Justice Department-led task force released its outrageous recommendation to continue holding nearly 50 Guantanamo detainees indefinitely.1 We're stunned that the Department of Justice would act in such flagrant and direct violation of civil liberties, human rights, and a Supreme Court ruling in 2008 that confirmed Guantanamo detainees' rights to habeas corpus.2

However it's also the clearest proof we've seen yet that in order to truly resolve the heinous policies and practices taking place at Guantanamo, we're going to need to look to outside sources to challenge the status quo. Holding people without charge, trial or clear process for reviewing their case is unacceptable.

The White House and Congress must intervene and establish a new kind of task force - a commission of independent, bipartisan experts to examine, report, and come to their own informed conclusions about the policies and actions related to the detention, treatment, and transfer of Guantanamo detainees.

We've got to fight fire with fire - only an independent, bipartisan commission can help untangle the human rights mess created at Guantanamo.

Call on the White House and Congress to establish a new kind of independent, bipartisan task force to take a deeper look at the flawed policies at Guantanamo.

Today of all days, we expected to be filled with hope about the progress made toward restoring our fundamental liberties and freedoms. Instead we're faced with the grim reality that the infamous detention center, and the injustice it represents, is not going away any time soon.

That's exactly why today of all days, we need you to stand with us and let the Administration know that you stand firmly in your belief that Guantanamo must be closed in a manner that respects human rights.

The Justice Department may have tried to release this story under the radar, but there are a few important things you can do today to ensure that everyone is talking about Guantanamo:

* Email President Obama and your members of Congress urging them to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to review Guantanamo policies
* Even if you've done so already, please tweet about Guantanamo using the hashtag #closegitmo. Or simply follow us on Twitter and re-tweet our messages.
* Change your profile picture on Facebook, MySpace or other social networks to our Close Gitmo solidarity image or add the image to your blog or website.

On Monday, we'll need your help again to flood the White House phone lines with calls on this issue. We'll be in touch with step-by-step details on how you can ensure this story is not buried and forgotten over the weekend!

Thanks for your continued commitment,

Njambi Good
Director, Counter Terror with Justice Campaign

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