Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Latest Channeling from The Grids, The Matrix, and last but not least, from the Ascended Group of Busy bodies that are constantly watching over us...

Coping with the Quantum Shi(f)t

Beloved Souls, Earth Students, Light-Workers, Matrix Mavens, and Grid Guards:

As you step into the weeks and months ahead, you are absorbing Packets of Energy Codes that were received, processed, re-packaged, and whatever else we could think of to do to them, for YOU.

These Packets of Energy Codes were shipped to us right before the Powerful Solar Eclipse.

This Gift came from ALL of the Ascended Masters, including those who were in the Governments of Lemuria, Atlantis, Clan of the Cave Bear and the Pleiadian Star Clusters. Rumor has it that that Niburi was involved and signed the gift card as well.

Please use the Thank You Meditation and Chants that were downloaded into your cellular electrons last week, and set your intention to thank all who participated in this Grand Event.

Whatever you do, don't change your deodorants, moisturizers, toothpaste, mouthwash or shaving cream, as The Activation Codes of the Golden Crystalline Grid systems were attuned to these products.

During this time of shifts and changes, it's best that you eat English Muffins and those chocolates from Dove with the interesting little messages on the foil wrappers.

Furthermore, there is maintenance scheduled to be done on the Earth Grids, beginning at midnight, March 9th through March 11th, so you may feel stress and stain as this system crumbles.

Beloved ones, do not be afraid as this is necessary for you to more easily access the 7th Dimensional Zone for further instructions.

New Access Codes are being downloaded into your DNA which will help you restore, relax and move towards the Planetary Paradise that will be unlike any other crap you've ever seen.

Once we activate the Radiant Love of the Paradise Codes of the Golden Energy/Atlantean Healing Temples, much needed change within the Chin Chakra will commence.

Then we will begin to transfer energy packets which will activate the Ear Lobe Grids.

In a previous session with the Big Guy/Gal Upstairs, it was revealed that the Chin and Ear Lobe Chakras are the most important energy points for transformation. Manifesting in the Aquarian Age begins and ends with the Chin and Ear Lobe. We aren't sure why that is, but as soon as we know, it will be downloaded to your left eyebrow, which is the focal point for a lot of stuff.

The Quantum Shi(f)t is near, Dear Ones!

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Comment by Ernesto Rafael Vega on March 8, 2009 at 7:12pm
"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools,
that don't have brains enough to be honest"

Benjamin Franklin


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