Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Lesson One of Eight: InterNational InterCultural Communications

Lesson One of Eight:

OnLine International InterCultural Communications were fully successfully implemented by the establishment of the WebSite: International Students / Scholars InterCultural Communications Reso... It is from this experience which created a further focus on the necessity of developing content websites. None the less, and the central factor for this orientation is to inform you the members and the managers --- who some I have had negative reactions by not understanding what I was doing --- of this group what is exactly InterCultural Communications, and why it is significant to the importance of this social network in which this posting has been placed.

Your will notice on the website from the above link how it is organized into global regional blocks, and distributive selected states within the United States webpages. These webpages, by the flick of your mouse will switch you to one webpage of a chosen geographic area, and then to another region or state and by which [ meaning by this very action you are then taking ] you are now entering into the education phase of usership. What you will subsequently be doing is making social and cultural comparisons on the critical and basic information being provided. Thus you will denote differences, and yet you will likewise see similar compelling reasons which are behind each culture, and within the environmental settings as well as being the same of your own in the degree of similar [ or commonality ]human effort [ labors ] to produce.

What just had occur is basic human discovery, and it is here, and with some previous very close academic observations and thesis as well, the emotional and intellectual consequences will be immediate. The ends of which is in the examination of a different culture [ which with in this NING system developing positive emotional drives to look into other social networks -- through compairsion, or by traditional means of education --- one will become more comfortable with ones of self-image [ IE. various NING social network managers ], culture, society, and the appreciation of the human creative will. Whether this condition is either short lived, or has had more lasting affect on consciousness and psychic ids is dependent upon the material being exhibited on these various webpage.

The central factor for this can be immediately felt by the example inclusion of the photo above to gain your attention - which is for males positive, and more differing reflection by females, and all rightly so.

It is in the overall process in discovering the centrality of another culture where one's own self - reflections of ones own cultural will be all more responsive in focusing changes in local cultures therein while as the same trying out new things and activities, spending more, and more capital on a diverse scale, the willingness to travel more, and the better advantage ones has by the resulting experience to relate to others as well. The immediate impact of InterCultural Communications provolks positive drives to explore more to see what over the next horizon in ones own personal life, and life-styles.

It is here within the core of fundemental human rights which clearly indicates: THE CENTRAL HUMAN RIGHTS TO FULL DISCOVERY.

End of Orientation lesson.

Mr. Roger M. Christian
Ithaca, New York

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