Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Let go! Holding on to your hollyhocks!!

Let go! Holding on to your hollyhocks!!

Look into your garden, allow summers heady breeze to open new ways to seeing.

Go quietly,
Go joyfully
Go willingly
Go focussed
Go in non judgement
Go in love

Tune into the garden, there we can connect with Gaia & all she wishes to rekindle in us (Joy is the gate)

Our whole universe, malleable, palpable, ripe for conception! Surely clarity in our vision of potentials is upon us?!

The universe is tapping us on the shoulder, reminding us to give respect & thanks for the journey here & all of the experience... polarisation the old, the new, the fear & the freedom, the realisation... all experienced.... As you turn now, allow compassion & understanding to rise, honour what is ending through heart fire.

Here on our islands we stand upon a wealth of lore & knowledge, ever pulsing beneath us & through our crowned hilltops, sacred groves & stones resonating back through the geometry of every vibrating piece of earth. Through memory, song & story it connects you – universe – self – spirit – soul – dark – love – light. Through these vibrational tones, flow be fluid. Move with the flow, body, mind, spirit, with beauty & limitless possibility. That is our inheritance. Connecting through heart with Mother Earth & Father Sky. This our ancestors understood we are limitless possibility...

Emergence, it’s about you. Life changing occurrences are being experienced by thousands... So many challenges & upheavals being felt all over the world just now. It has to be said, this is not an easy time... but these challenges allow us to realise, re-evaluate, re-lease & it is up to us as to how we choose to respond.

Let Go! Have the courage, have the trust, and have the heart. Dare to dream the world we wish to live in.

Emerging allows us to perceive wholly. Graduating to see the big picture in every small dot of it!

Joy is the frequency key to synchronicity. Turn it!!

Intention is the key.

This inclusive event, the unscripted evolution, is here now...

We are here at the end of the beginnings. So remember no matter what is ending or changing, synchronicity is with us when we use the key. The intention – Our Joy in knowing that separation is no more!!

We are intending to intend... Unity consciousness is generated by the intention to co-create.

Awakened, we participate whilst witnessing consciously.

In these myriad of shadows & Light, inside every one of us is a light that is waiting to emerge through Joy!

Joy! Joy brings a smile to you

Joy brings tears too,
Joy can lift you,
Joy can carry you,
Joy can excite you
Joy can ignite ecstasy
With that impetus & fuel,

New Worlds are born!

If you can resonate with any of this & know that the joy frequency has to be here in you.. To create unity consciousness we need to create a base camp for the climb; it has to be part of you, an intention to

So smile & laugh & giggle, be tickled that you know, we are One & that we emerge together through the veils.

In Love, In Light

Anni & Cindy x

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