Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

There is a LOVE in EVOL ution,

It’s Mirrored in Our Souls.

It’s backward but it’s our Soulution,

For everyone to know.


Be not afraid to feel it,

There is an absurd reality in this dream,

Reeling us into a new dimension,

That’s so much more than it might seem.


Be not afraid to Be it,

This light that’s alive and new,

The world’s great evolution,

Is a revolution born anew.


There has always been a silent hope,

That heaven could live on Earth.

And when the Masters spoke of it,

It was given a new birth.


Can we smile and see the World,

And our fates viewed from afar,

To understand this revolution

That brings us now so far.


All the Powerbrokers fear,

And fight for the old control,

But as the old ways slip away,

A new day calls for us to play our role.


We can count on our compassion

And to help us realize what we need,

Is for a new dream to guide us,

To bring love into everything.

We can say a prayer that God will Guide us

 and help to see us through,

So we can hold onto our hope and believe again

That the love in evolution

will be mirrored in me and you.




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