Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Hey Family and Friends,
On Saturday Feb 21st I had the chance to work with Giovanni von Essen as part of the "Distinguished Artist Concert Series" in the Old Bethpage-Plainview Public Library. It was a small auditorium that seated about 200 people, we had a nice turnout, about 180 people came. Giovanni decided to go with a small unit that consisted of Billy Titus guitar, Glenn Palermo bass and myself, Henning Stumm on drums. I got to tell you, Giovanni never fails to amaze me. As the show began, the house light dimmed and the stage was well lit, Giovanni came out and looked absolutely stunning and from the very first note she sang she had everybodies undevided attention. She has such a beautiful voice and is in such control over it. I can honestly say that for all them years I've been around I've have seen only a very few that opperate on that level. It is such a treat to be able to play behind somebody like Giovanni, it brought out the best in all of us and made our job very easy. the music we created that night was pure magic. I feel so blessed and honored to be around such musical greatness. It was one of those events that made me realize I have the best job on earth. So I thought I would like to share that with you.
One Love

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