Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

More Words of Wisdom from The Ancient One

Celebrate the Sacred and you create a Sacred Life. Focus on your dreams and you make your soul sing. Live your lifes purpose and you activate the higher self. Love, light and understanding are in harmony with the soul if we embrace the divine breath of life. Nourish and inspire your spirit by having reverence for yourself and dreaming the impossible. We are all Walking with Angels, let them guide you to Heaven!

Ours is an Angelic Kingdom of Light that can create flourishing societies if we wear our joy like a silken robe. Think compassionate thoughts, be more caring and generous, know that kindness is good for you and live with spiritual ideals. Now is the time for spiritual awakening if we make profound changes. Yours is a soul that sparkles in the light. We have a personal call from Mother Nature - answer it with Love!

Enjoy the simple pleasures rooted in spiritual contact. Discover your inherent wellness and explore your highest purpose. Life is a sacred dance where spirit and nature are one. Live with intention guided by love divine. We are global souls of grace and wonder meant to embrace the sunshine of enlightenment. Awaken your divine essence and acknowledge the creator within for you are a blessing to the Universe.

The Light of God guides us to embrace how Beautiful we are as we come to the realization that we are made of Divine Inspiration. The waters of the Earth run pure as life is a Sacred Circle of Love and Compassion where Dreams are the language of the Spirit. Evolve the love within and evoke your hearts wisdom as you saturate your mind with Humanity and Divinity. Remember Love is Food for the Soul and its time to Eat!

I am an Ambassador of the Soul. I make Karmic decisions that spark the life within me. Let me Awaken your Divine Potential. Life is a Magical Circle of Love and we are all waves on the face of a Spiritual Ocean waiting to wash ashore on an Island of Enlightenment. I am a Spiritual Revolutionary bringing Radiance into the world by Living a Creative Life of Grace and Beauty. I am Love, You are Love , We are Loved!

You are a divine manifestation of love dancing in the suns freedom. Embrace the mountains of your majesty and yours will be a gateway to enlightenment. You have the power to make a difference because you are the embodiment of divine love and wisdom. You are a source of inspiration caressed by the sun whos heart is filled with angels and butterflies of lovingkindness. You are a whisper on the wind. You are LOVE!

Let us give Birth to Creative Inspirations that we may encourage Healing of the Human Spirit. Live with Empowering Beliefs and let your Unique Expressions lead you to live your life in a more Conscious way. Life can be a Garden of Earthly Delights if we live with Greater Confidence and fill our Souls with Happiness. Seek new Vistas of Spirit and you will be heaped with Blessings of Love and Light!

The light that exists within is the sunshine of your spirit and it illuminates a path to your divine essence. Awaken to who you truly are and your spiritual garden will grow abundant. Positive belief will inspire your imagination and transform your thoughts. If you experience your greatness you will journey toward blissful heights of wellness. The seed of all creation is within and the time for planting is now.

Yours in Spirit
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One

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