Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

It comes from an individual’s belief, as it is scientifically proven our cells take their signal from our beliefs, transmit this through the body which then determines the frequency we resonate out.  With individual beliefs coming from fear and uncertainty, it produces low frequency; multiply this by thousands, no millions of people resonating the same frequency of lack, energy will always attract back the same frequency in experiences and opportunities and so you have low frequency on a giant scale producing scarcity, poverty, conflict and lack.
Poverty is a conditioned belief and one that is frequently ‘spun’ by the governments through media. When all that is broadcast is ‘doom and gloom’ it creates uncertainty in the population, people feel unstable and scared. This is exactly where those who govern or should I say programme, desire you to be, going round in circles in scare city as here they have complete control of you;here you will always be the furthest away from ever reaching your desires and they know it!
Let’s look at the energetic facts. Poverty is low frequency energy, it is produced through mass low frequency being resonated out. Where does the low frequency come from in the first place?
Here is some interesting facts for you. There have been more millionaires made in the last year, then in the previous 10 years. Wealth is abundant and as the U.S, UK and Europe bleet recession, China and India are creating continuous wealth and the highest production of millionaires.
What individuals are not told is how to begin resonating in high frequencies, where all the good stuff is attracted from. Well, to do this means leaving scare city, stop listening and buying into the conditioning and understanding how to change your beliefs.
All of this is done by YOU. It all comes from learning to listen to your feeling and intuition, as this is where energy is always communicating with you. You know sometimes in a situation, you get that ‘gut’ instinct about what course of action to take? TRUST IT! That is your energy guiding you.
Begin to trust YOU. Only you can create your life experiences, so why not make them monumental? This comes with letting go of past memories and insecurities that do not serve your development, it comes with valuing the worth of your service in every capacity, in honouring the truly amazing being you are and are here to be. It comes with believing in your complete abundance already being with you, then you have left scare city far behind.

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