Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

To my fellow travelers in the Material Realm,

The new moon is a time to set intention into motion, to project Light and expectation forward so that it may become manifest in our lives...

Today, this newing of the Moon in Pisces is especially auspicious and profoundly empowered with the union of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus by degrees in trine with Mars and enhanced by Jupiter. Let us contemplate the Divine on this day of renewal and imagine what that might appear as... God's Love for us is infinite. God's will for us is that we might all be as we actually were created to be; limitless in power, just by design, creative with purpose, forgiving endlessly of ourselves and others and possessing the vision to manifest beauty and peace wherever we travel during all of our lifetimes.

To cast our combined light toward that unfolding, the bringing forth of God's will for us and all of Mankind, allows for no error or misdirection of personal or collective intention. May we focus on and affirm that we seek to make heaven come forth here in this realm now and forevermore. May we begin to comprehend that our will and God's will for us is one and the same. May we evoke God's presence in all of the activities we are involved with each coming day. And let us unite here in this Earthly Garden of Souls with a desire to see Love heal everyone who is drawn to the light we emit, restore all who are wounded, embrace all who are alone and illuminate everyone who imagines themselves to be less than Divinity made manifest.

From the Well of Souls, let our combined light flow forth as sacred waters... to all; to be One in perfect Love, Eternally.

A Joyous Monday to all! We are beloved so let us extend that Love ever outward!


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Comment by Janis McKinstry on March 15, 2010 at 6:59pm
Beautifully transmitted. Thank you
Comment by jb on March 15, 2010 at 2:15pm
Thank "You" so much.. Friend


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