Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

NOW: This Solstice Weekend: Concerts for the Living Water LoveH20/LiveH20

NOW: This weekend - SOLSTICE - June 19-21, 2009 musicians all over the world are performing music alongside bodies of water as a way of stimulating our body fluid (we are over 90% water) and the planet's fluid into high vibration.

Sunday culminates in a prayer day all over the world - check out website for ways to participate, musicians involved, where concerts are close to you

sorry to make this part of a blog, but seems a way to get this across in a short space of time

WE ARE ONE - NOW - water is our (body)medium - prayer our mind-spirit medium

HERE WE GO: IT ONLY TAKES THE SQUARE ROOT OF ONE PERCENT of a given population to come together to make a difference (words of Gregg Braden)

anyway any celebration will do!
happy solstice/new moon especially to Cancers of the planet

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Comment by Marian on June 21, 2009 at 3:57am
Rippling water media file Pictures, Images and Photos
sorry Leti - meant Leti
Comment by Marian on June 21, 2009 at 3:50am
thank you both for posting. Thank you Lei for the on-the-spot report!!! wow. I am planning to be - from noon today Greenwich time until the sun goes down - in the garden, by the pond (my only body of water!!! I'm in the highlands of Scotland), meditating, transplanting little things I've grown all spring, chatting to my birds; and, since I can't take my piano outside, singing, I hope. Then when the sun goes down - at 57•N that is 10:30 tonight, (2:30pm PST) the new moon will be imminent & I may play a little piano... but I fully intend to be still awake at 1a.m. BST - which is California 5p.m. to join in the prayer-meditation. Thank you for getting this going Long Beach; all watery places. Thanks to us all for being here I love the NOW. Peace & Music & Water & good intent xx how can we but succeed!
Comment by Leti Stiles on June 21, 2009 at 12:13am
I am so excited, I am part of LiveH2o, in Long Beach, CA. the anchor location for this global event. It is so beautiful here by the ocean. Friday, our event started with a Hopi Clan member grounding in us into mother earth. Dr. Emoto spoke later on the day, educating in us on the amazing properties of water and the how water retains memory almost from any source it is expose to; music, photos, words, and sound frequencies. A fascinating presentation. Today was another amazing day of speakers, performers and closing with fire dancers. Tomorrow promises to be a wonderful day of more inspiration speakers, beautiful musicians, and drummers ending with prayer, chant and Sacred Hula dancers, all in praying unision with 52 locations all over the world. I truly believe we can change the world with our intentions, and our raising our vibration. Where ever you're at for this solstice, at 5:00 PM PST, Please send your love and prayer to the water. Let's bless the waters and our mother earth and become One. May Peace and Love prevail!!
Comment by Rosemary Lane on June 20, 2009 at 6:25am
Thank you! What a wondeful concept! This past month we have been praying and sendng long distance healing for all the bodies of water on earth from here.

Blessings to you!!
Rosemary Lane


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