Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

How does Spirit

the Eternal Spirit dwell in this form

as the Earth Hold the Sun’s energy

and the moon is reflect the formless soul

and as the universe speaks to us

so spirit visits us

in a million dancing particles of light

in the sound of life and all the myriad forms

of communication that this life brings to us


Breathing, seeking, giving and receiving           

All of creation expressed here in this Now moment

A miracle of being, offered to us to experience


And how do we accept this gift god offers us

How can we even process a miracle

The unknown glimpsed by a quiet mind

The meeting of the real and unreal



And you who are here on the path

You who have had to throw the doors to the mind open

All Those who have seen the unseen


Dare you try to judge where you fit in

Dare you try to explain the unexplainable


Do you have to prove what can not be proved

Or sell what should not have a price attached to it


How does spirit speak to your soul

And how then would your soul speak to spirit and form

As it beholds the miracle of being alive here and now

One with the One




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