Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Just to Be

Can we let go of what we take on?
When we have bought into our dream
And we believe in it and really care
Can we let go and let it be a gift of Being?
And let it be allowed unconditional Love
True to the essence of it’s Birth
Fulfilling its birth through us into form?

Or must we manifest and take on all of the Levels
Of this creation of ours and direct and control its outcome?

Do the inner Rules and guidelines Direct the Outcome?
Or does the outcome direct how we live
to maintain what we have created?

Somewhere the grace of being a Co-creator
Effects our relationship to the manifesting
Of what comes through us to life.
Somehow the subjective Love of the Co-creation
Is passed on with love and we must Let it Go.

We Can show up taking our direction from God
And say Yes to the divine Dance of life .
We can wield our Warriorship and power
To the Creative guidance of the True Spirit from which it came.

We can act as True Magicians employed by a greater force for Good.
And wave our wands to let Divine dream be. Or we can say this is our
Dream we must give it all of what we have with just this act of creation its own reward.and can bring to us the rewards it has created.

Yet in time the Creation is set free to continue with a Life far
Beyond our dreams ..Just to be… this Divine Dream.. Just to Be
A part of the Limitless ..Nothing and Everything in Creations Dream

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Comment by cindy paulos on November 15, 2010 at 8:23am
Ah. Maybe in the stars and the changing times
thanks for reading
Comment by Joe on November 14, 2010 at 8:43pm
Cindy, very well said, very well indeed, and the timing of this poem is, not accidental, definitely meant for me and resonates deeply, the vibration captured the dragon's heart.


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