Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

"Politicians are like weather vanes. Our jobs are to make the wind blow"

The quote above is from esteemed environmentalist David Brower who is my current inspiration to keep going on my environmental project to encourage our governments to educate and encourage all of us to Take Care of Our Share of the planet.
Our aim is to encourage all levels of government to join together to provide information to their residents about what they can do as individuals to help make a positive change.

Many of the environmental problems facing our planet can be healed by educating and encouraging all property owners to Take Care of Their Share of the planet, their own homes and yards. As property owners, each of us has the opportunity to affect not just the environmental health of our land, but because of the interconnectedness of all land and all species, the continued health of the entire planet. However, many individual citizens do not have the scientific knowledge required to make the best environmental choices for our homes and lands.

Please visit our website for more information: Take Care of Your Share

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