Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Prepare a table for the Lord


Prepare a Table for the Lord,

And bring the Wealth of your soul,

To sit and be in the Presence there

To share all that you may know.


If the Heart is thirsty let it drink

Of the nectar of Pure Love,

If the Mind is weary Let it Rest,

And be surrounded by the Wisdom from above.


Bring all that you are to the table,

And let yourself be seen,

Let your heart be pure and naked

With what’s within your dreams.

Be still within the moment,

And feel the blessings that abound,

The Lord and all the heavenly host

Bring the greatest gifts that are found.


The answer to your questions,

The reasons of your life,

The purpose for your being,

The way to end all strife.


It’s here you’ll find the Father

And all it is that is right,

Prepare to come to the table

And join with this true light.


He can see into you, and the lifetimes that you’ve spent,

And see what is that’s waiting for you in the end.

All the prayers and all the good that‘s done for humankind.

Are just a simple offering for the Love we serve to find.

The greatest gift is God’s presence in our lives and with each breath.

Each gift of love a sacrament to bring the spirit forth.

Prepare a table for the Lord

And offer up the truth

The time is now, the place is here, it’s all waiting within you.


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