Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Here are some quotes of mine ( Micheal Teal ) that people have enjoyed:

It is our Humanity which makes us Spiritual and our Spirit which makes us Human.

Plant Kindness in your Souls Garden and yours will be a Fertile Ground that bears Heavenly Fruit.

True divine nature is an instrument of light that enables us to walk in peace and beauty.

Live your dreams and you nurture your spirit , nurture your spirit and you dance your bliss , dance your bliss and the world becomes a celebration of authentic loving harmony.

If we walk in balance and travel in peace the divine creative energy of our soul will inspire others to journey into realms of sacred exploration.

To truly honour life we must sink our roots into what is holy and embrace the infinite life force while radiating love and light.

" The essence of life is to honour all paths and all people. For to embrace diversity is to celebrate the beauty of truth and the mystic power of humanity."

" If we are to honour the gift of being human we must embrace our true nature and teach our souls to fly. "

" To liberate the human spirit we must embrace heightened consciousness and enhance the flow of positive energy. We are beings of light and energy , once we accept this truth our soul can soar with the angels."

" We are each a living manifestation of divinity. To know ourself is to know god. So next time you pray for something do it with the knowledge that the answers lie within."

" Walk a path of the elders for ancient knowledge is within our soul. We have the history of humankind within us and if we embrace this truth ours will be a world of love , light and laughter where diversity is our constant companion and peace our lifelong friend."

" If we live our lives as a gift it is possible to reach a blissful state of eternal happiness. It is those who live their life with a sense of entitlement that undermine peace , freedom and liberty. Know that every breath is a miracle and every moment a blessing and you will achieve your dreams."

" If we harness the wisdom within and live a life of intentional purpose we will create dynamic change and the results will be so positive as to empower humanity towards enlightenment."

Walking the spiritual path creates a united state of consciousness that embraces the the landscape of human feeling and serves the betterment of all living things.

If we colour our spirits with rainbows we can create a revolution of consciousness where we live free and determine our own destinies.

When we embrace the gifts within our soul we create a blissful state of happiness to be savoured , pondered and cherished.

The journey to personal freedom can only be achieved if you listen to the voice of your soul.

The template for happiness is to offer goodness to the world for true happiness is achieved when one gives freely of their heart and soul.

To be at peace with life we must find our souls purpose for by doing so we cultivate wholeness and create a world of pure spirit.

The spiritual strength of human beings at its most profound can bring one face to face with Gods Light and inspire in the soul a miraculous transformation which can bring peace to all.

Ours is a sacred imagination created from blessings above which if used in the spirit of love will guide us to walk the earth in friendship all our days.

The soul speaks to us in dreams, inspiring us to embrace a personal relationship with our spirit guides that we may become enlightened beings.

A peaceful mind is a springboard to positive transformation , for by cleansing the mind we inspire the spirit and motivate the soul.

If we allow the love within us to evolve naturally we generate new possibilities , nurture awareness and create a vehicle for joyous living.

To walk the earth in friendship is to embrace the highest human potential. Friendship bathes us with warmth and life while inspiring our soul to blossom.

Live more mindfully , write a new chapter in your life , reclaim your wholeness and feel reverence in your heart , for by planting these seeds you will create a beautiful garden that will bear fruit to sustain your soul and nourish your spirit for eternity.

If we identify with the soul we awaken the authentic self , inspire the spirit and fuel the fire of transformation.

Water the Tree of Life and all that surrounds you becomes sacred ground that you may plant seeds of freedom , peace , hope and lovingkindness.

There is a well of sacred wisdom within us all that when accessed sets forth a wave of blessings and inspiration that enriches and enlightens.

Create a life that fits your dreams and you realize your true soul path and embark on a spiritual journey that nourishes the sacred and embraces the immortal.

Beyond the stars there are fields of wildflowers where Gods eternal presence inspires the hungry spirit as it nourishes the soul.

If one wishes a life of abundance , development of the soul is of the utmost import. By fulfilling the souls potential we celebrate the divine spirit , raise the collective consciousness and fuel the fires of transformation.

Life is a spiritual practice of blessings and inspiration where the seeds of lovingkindness within our soul will blossom if we tend to them properly. Love is lifes water , sprinkle it over your garden and a tree of life will grow that will bear fruit for eternity.

If we are open to unimaginable possibilities ours will be a path of truth, love and light where bliss and transformation are a way of life.

A loving journey of transition begins by nurturing self care. If we honour our inner selves we not only live our divine blueprint, we also embrace the richness of humanity as we promote spiritual enlightenment.

The sacred cycle of transformation begins by cultivating life experiences and embracing the evolving human spirit. Meaning, purpose and joy are our birthright and by dancing our sacred dream we create a richly woven tapestry of spiritual thought and action.

My soul is a sanctuary of enlightenment where the enhancing flow of positive energy communicates a peaceful message of love. Beauty and joy embraces my spirit as i savour and celebrate the glory of all living things. I have found empowerment through spirituality and it is my desire to use that power to radiate goodness and contribute wisdom, wellness and bliss to all humankind

Strive to create harmony and peace and yours will be an awakened life. The essence of being alive is loving acceptance of yourself, for once we accept ourselves we unleash the beauty that lies within our soul. Like a tree from a seed the generosity within will bear fruit if we plant love wherever we go. Be a Spiritual Gardener and the soul of nature will smile as the earth sings a song of everlasting joy.

Have reverence for yourself and you will walk with the angels. Explore inner landscapes and the journey of growing spirit will be one of immense blessings. Ours is a vast ocean of consciousness and if one colours outside the lines they will be embraced by light and love will shine upon them all their days. Be the master of your own life, live your dreams, explore the infinite and yours will be a magnificent voyage.

In my heart there are visions of hope and beauty that celebrate the human imagination. Imagine Peace and you inspire the purpose within, Imagine Love and the seeds of possibilities will enable you to live your true nature and evoke your own greatness. Let us all be inspired to Imagine a world of unbridled joy and shared humanity for doing so will lead us to a rose garden of spirituality where happiness is a way of life.

Create harmony and peace and a spark of the divine will light your soul. A happy and passionate life begins with an inspired heart and a fertile spiritual landscape. Know that he who is at one with the beauty of nature is rich in spirit and embraces a higher vibration. The seasons of transformation are upon us, discover your true purpose and yours will be a love filled journey towards wholeness and happiness.

Love is a home for your soul, a spiritual blueprint which allows us to build a life guided purpose and divine light. Love washes over us like raindrops from heaven bathing us in meaning, purpose and joy. Seek the company of souls adrift and let your love wash over them as doing so will awaken humanity to unimaginable bliss. Love is the karmic whole that enables us to live life in a more conscious way. Love!

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