Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

∞ This is excerpted from my July newsletter, What Shines. If it resonates for you, please subscribe. Blessings ∞


"Let us fall in love again and scatter gold dust all over the world.
Let us become a new spring and feel the breeze drift in the heavens' scent.
Let us dress the earth in green, and like the sap of a young tree
let the grace from within sustain us.
Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts and let them light our path to Love.
The glance of Love is crystal clear and we are blessed by its light."

~ Rumi, Hidden Music


With our focus on The Shift taking place worldwide, it's easy to forget we have the power to effect change at the very local level ~ within our own beings ~ by altering how we think. Cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda suggests simply shifting our emphasis, so that "I feel depressed" morphs into, "I feel deep rest".
I immediately realized the root of recession is "recess": it's time to take a break, and allow ourselves the deep rest and rejuvenation we deliciously deserve in these tumultuous times!

All the players I've encountered recently say the same, in their own unique ways. Visionary spoken word artist DreamingBear Baraka Kanaan, a modern-day Rumi, exhorts us, "Play hooky from your have-to's". In a mesmerizing interplay with Caroline Casey on The Visionary Activist Show, DreamingBear elevated me into joy with lines such as, "Will you marry freedom with me? Let's elope into ecstasy…" and, "Let's kiss this life like it were a love affair, and every being our beloved."
Clearly, the keynote of now is, "Ain't it awe-full?"

The Star Elders, through Aluna Joy, suggest forgetting is the key to stepping into the new reality. I've called it "losing your mind" ~ the rational left-brain that insists it knows best. The Star Elders remind: "Everything in your reality needs your belief, your energy for it to survive … Simply forget the things based in fear, lack and suffering. Stay open to the vision of paradise, and fill it with love. Your head might tell you that it is the end of days, but your heart knows that there is something wonderful waiting for you just out ahead. Trust your heart. It is your guidepost, your guardian and protector as your reality splinters out in front of you. This is the wild adventure that your soul came here for."

Even conscious business pundits affirm that this period is a time to reassess and prepare: Berny Dohrmann, founder of CEOSpace, a platform to support entrepreneurs in growing their businesses at the highest level, says 2009 is the turnaround year. (His prior company was the incubator for the mega-success book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul.) Listen to his invigorating and informative interview, so you can "mushroom momentum" as we exit the recession.

Dohrmann encourages us to reimagine company culture: "Cooperative architecture" is the new capitalism. Celebrate diversity, hang out with people who are ahead of the curve, and go on a "digital diet" ~ ax TV, and Twitter (or AOAND!) instead. Clean up mental pollution.

Echoing the Star Elders and Dohrmann, DreamingBear waxes lyrical: "No more feeling frozen with fractionally fulfilling your genius on the cold tundra of exopolitical spheres of influence. It's new paradigm time, or, should I say, new power-digm time? As the magnetic poles of dominance and control begin to shift into over-unity ~ that means duality dissolving into a singularity we call, Community, because the experts of every discipline will unanimously agree with me when I tell you that your heart, your heart, is this world's best natural resource for renewable, clean energy."

Recess is what summer's all about. And for our Southern Hemisphere allies currently enjoying winter, the same holds true: cuddle up to your inner hearthfire, and enkindle yourself. When you feel deep rest, you can light the way for all who'll follow.

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