Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Seven Words That Can Change the World Now in Streaming Video (Produced & Directed by Jeff Hutner)

(Los Angeles--September 21) New Paradigm Films, the producer of Seven Words That Can Change the World, today announced the availability of a new online version of its recent DVD release. Author Joe Simonetta’s book was originally published by Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the best selling Conversation With God series. Walsch calls Simonetta’s Seven Words "The Answer and The Way." The DVD was shot entirely on location at Hacienda San Joaquin in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, a seven-hundred-acre riverfront community Joe designed and built for the ecologically minded.

"We want to make the DVD’s content available immediately to a worldwide audience at a fraction of the retail price," says Jeff Hutner, the films director, "in order for its message to have the greatest impact.” At four dollars per viewing, Seven Words compares favorably with other online hits like The Secret. Viewers find Seven Words’ entertaining message of personal and ecological health uplifting, empowering and timely.

"Given our current political, economic and environmental conditions, it’s essential that we understand the roots of our problems and how we can solve them, not with band aids, but at a foundational and structural level," says Simonetta.

Simonetta offers viewers a unique perspective with degrees in Architecture (University of Colorado), Business (Penn State) and Theology (Harvard) as well as a variety of rich life experiences. "In an interconnected world, it’s critical that we understand how phenomena relate to each other. Only then can we find our true place in life and not continue to be caught up in old paradigm models that created our present day crises.”

In one of the video’s more controversial segments on Religion, Simonetta offers evidence that "modern" monotheistic religions plagiarized heavily from ancient and now antiquated themes of heroes and gods from pagan religions. Today's religions, products of the infancy of our intelligence, with their competitive belief systems and gods, have resulted in nothing but conflict, chaos and separation. Simonetta offers a reality-based, yet transcendent, universal understanding of life that is liberating, unifying, and easily understood and practiced by anyone.

Seven Words offers simple real-world solutions that can be applied to our personal and work lives. "Consumer-oriented cultures encourage unconscious purchases and behavior without regard to interpersonal and planetary consequences,” says Simonetta. “There’s a far better way to live. One that is aligned with life itself.”

To learn more about Joe, Seven Words, view the trailer, or stream the video online, visit

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