Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Social Conditioning Keeps You Powerless

For those of you, who have been following me on social media, will know that I don’t watch TV, listen to radio or read newspapers. I choose to create my own reality and research the information I desire to know about. In light of such frequent ‘perception’s of disturbances, I can show you a perfect example of how social conditioning is at play.

It is my personal opinion and has been shown to be the case, that riots, disturbances on the streets are highly organised by departments within the government. Why would a government create unrest and damage to person and property? …Fear. Creating fear and uncertainty in the masses, maintains control.
This has been the orchestrated throughout history on this planet by those always seeking to control populations. Yet when you look at this energetically, those who control are always coming from lack.


The need to control comes from a lack of self worth and confidence in a person’s ability to fulfil their life. Individuals not in control of their own life, find the need to control others to quantify some semblance of meaning to their existence. This only leads to creating low energetic frequencies, which attract the same back and bring more experiences perpetuating the lack of self worth and so the cycle continues.

In the case of such events as disturbances, those who ‘perceive’ they hold the power know how to get to the part of the population living in fear and lack (as they themselves are in that frequency), by instigating clashes and then using media to broadcast this out to the masses.

Those who live in ‘poverty consciousness’ i.e. worrying about money and the lack of it, wondering where they can get more of it or constantly mounting up debt; become more fearful, more disconnected from their own naturally abundant energy and this disconnection shows itself in anger and lashing out.


We have worldwide communication, only to use news coverage as a means to perpetuate fear and insecurity, isn’t it time to cover news ‘consciously’?

We need to focus on the positive aspects and give acknowledgement, though as little attention to the negative as possible. This would require those in power, the ‘controllers’ to have full respect and love for themselves, to be totally confident in their own self worth as individuals. A tall order I hear you say?
Maybe, it is absolutely achievable though, once individuals understand how to come back to their energetic communications.

Global abundance starts at the quantum level of every individual.

This also applies to those caught up in the ‘hysteria’ of the violence, those who feel they have been cheated out of a chance in life. Here is news for you -

ALL experiences you had, YOU created from the energetic frequency you have resonated. It is scientifically verified , through your brain processes, the peritoneal lobe projects the holographic perception of your reality in the external world.

By living in reaction to your environment has built beliefs based yet again on low self worth, of not being in control and this is so far from the truth. This is what the governments and security forces do not desire you to know…knowledge is power.

Every individual has the power to create their reality, they way THEY desire it. The first step is to move away from the conditioning, so :

  • Get rid of the receiver on your TV
  • Play CDs or downloads for music
  • Forget the newspapers, ‘Google’it!
  • Eliminate all possible avenues of conditioning.

To succeed in ‘conscious’ reporting, it will only happen when the populations of the world dam up the income source by not literally ‘buying’ into the media hype. When revenues are severely affected, then those who are in charge will get the message, will have to report what the buying public desires to read and hear.

I applaud those broadcaster who have taken to delivering the truth, who are moving the audience away from fear based news and I will happily support each and every media outlet that empowers the listeners.

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