Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Hello Fellow Travelers --

My name is Ellison, and like many of you on this life-journey, I’m committed to creating ways of making our world a better place to grow in understanding, resourcefulness, appreciation and love.

During the time of the Viet Nam war I became a registered Conscientious Objector. However, in spite of my CO status I had to perform alternative service for nearly three years. For my term of duty I chose to work in the field of Early Childhood Education as an educator and administrator. I stayed in that field for 17 years. Then, seeing the intense influence of corporate media on the children and their families, I learned the tools of the media trade by becoming an independent video producer. For the past 25 years, I've been using video to increase the amount of positive media by helping non-profits and artists tell their stories and advance their good works.

I’ve learned much about telling stories through video, and for the past several years I’ve devoted my life to an idea that combines and expands the capacity of all media--print, radio, the Internet, telephony, and especially television--all orchestrated in such a way that serves as a dynamic, engaging community-building resource.

Today, this idea, this long held dream, is building into a project called, “Celebrating Solutions! The power of story, the possibility of change.” My life’s goal, and the mission of the project, is to cultivate a global solutions ecology by harnessing the power of media and technology to share stories, foster connections, and inspire action for positive social change.

Sometimes I think about the life-changing experiences, the stories, that have fueled my commitment to Celebrating Solutions! such as the wisdom and humanity of my father’s folklife teachings; the safe and secure extended family spirit of our neighborhood in the Seattle housing projects; the wonder and possibilities of the Seattle International World’s Fair "Century 21"; or the complete and wholesome environment of my grandmother’s nourishing Bremerton farm.

And now, one such story comes to mind:

While touring Europe from Seattle's Franklin High School, at the age of 16, standing alongside my fellow chorus members on the stage of the civic auditorium in Cardiff, Wales, I shall forever remember being awestruck when the Mayor of the city came on stage and interrupted our performance to announce, to the capacity audience, that the “Americans have just landed on the Moon.” Without one word, everyone quietly rose and stood in silent witness at the news of such a tremendous human achievement, of which we all, as global citizens, shared.

I appreciate having the opportunity to come together with you all in this innovative world of the Internet, and I look forward to learning about you, what you are doing, and exploring how we can create synergy to further our respective endeavors for a better world as we travel through this life. After all, the future is calling us to the rescue!

Onward and upward,
Ellison --

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Comment by Ellison Horne on May 27, 2009 at 5:33pm
Thank you, Lynn. I'm new here and appreciate your welcoming words. It feels a little like coming to a new class on the first day of school. - e
Comment by Lynn Fishman R.N. on May 27, 2009 at 5:22pm
Great reading Ellison. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance


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