There was once a boy who was lived in a world of magic and wonder,
,any though of him as a fool and many saw him as childlike, as time
passed he continued living in his dream land,
till one day as
he grew older he knew it was time to write down his dreams, he wrote of
his ones you loves, and slowly used all the bad things that happened
into lessens that made him stronger,
He entered places that
lived within him and reached worlds with the sound of music, but the boy
was sometimes a little scared as some places were higher that the sky
and some places were deep like the occean, a he feared falling till one
day he climb a big tree and fell by mistake into a deep dark occean
luckyly the boys grandfather was watching him and saved the boy from the
occean and shined a light to find him
"My little child think
first before you walk, and if it's dark use ur light"said the
The little boy was confused and scared so the
grandfather gave him a magic coin,
"This coin my little one
will reflect light when you are in the darkness"
Years later the
child within him hid within the walls of his heart and the coin was he
has was hidden and locked inside of his shirt and there and seconds
turned into hours and hours into years and before you knew it there was
no sign of the boy and the coin was embedded in his necklace as a piece
of the past,
till one morning an eagle came to him, with the
greatest wings and said to him "come fly with me".
"But what
if you drop me, i am too big and why should i trust you as your wings
are black?
the bird smiled and replied
"I was
talking to the little boy inside of you, i see him through your dark
At that very moment a ray of light hit the bird
and coin of the man and instantly connecting to the inner child from
the mans heart, slowly a golden light shined all around and the boy
climb on the wings of the bird.
The boy remember that child
who use to climb trees and jump into occeans listen to the coin around
his neck making an magical song.
"the time is now to remember
your truth, respect your neighbours point of view, and the golden light
connects u, to the world you dreamt and remember me" said the eagle.
coin spun faster and faster and through it towards the eagle his
grandfather appeared.
"Granddad" the boy called.
my boy i have transformed into something else but still am you
grandfather and now you must do the same"
" we are all in
part of a song will must complete, and dance the dance of the eagle
all the children for the divine, a magical dance is
done to create some light, my story shows a way that even in darkness
inside I hold a little piece of each of the light and so do you we share
the same name and are all part all that is love.
- the torch
is no longer hidden inside, it glows the deepest blue a part of the
divine, reflected off the magic coin spinning towards the door.
boy connects to all that is him, the man grow heavy on the eagle,
jump and fly off me into the light, and feel your magic inside"
there he remember the stories he wrote, directions to fly and the 12
hour of twilight, a fair-tale you worte comes true, miracles come true,
what fear was felt dissolves away,
And all the stories
combined in one as he jump in the carriage made of silver and white, to
take you to the ball in that castle in the sky - he put on his crown and
weared his cloak.
- what magic told till midnight has
changed ? This time is your own learnt breaking the boundaries to find
another piece of yourself,
11 stories at once combined as
together 12 stories at 12 hour.
The clock disappears into the light,
circle the story teller shared his stories to all, and many read about
this boy as he went from place to place to he found his siblings 6
brother and sisters, living aside him together they entered dancing the
song the eagle flys in goldens and ties.
To the ball they go
each one holding a coin, 12 c0ins silver and gold.
holding story that shall be woken when ignited with heart of the boy,
your mind live the dream reach to the stars but kept on your feet
cradled in the earth's ground and dance your way to balance work and
play, your power and duty.
Shift and align yourself to master time,
see yourself from different points at the same time, and there you find
how to slow down or speed up time. And erase what fear remains inside
you heal each part in this space to find, what you learnt, and what you

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