Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Aloha My friends..In this process of learning...sooooo much to understand....I've entered this next top author
competition , with the carrot being a chance to get a book deal from Hampton Raods publishing..It's brought up all kind of realizations..some very diificult.about being out there in the world.
anyway just explaing why I've been asking for your vote at my id #1325...

I don't know why but I've found it's very hard for me to ask... Many blessings

and here's todays message..
The call

Call upon the brightest light
And let it be in you…

Call upon the sweetest song
And let it speak to you….
Open up your heart and Mind
Open up your soul…

Let the deepest secrets out
And free you so you can know….

You are a child of God
As are we all you see….
You have the power to live the way of truth
So you can be…..
A Force for good….
A Way of Light….
A humble servant of Love…..

Each day can be a blessed gift
As we learn the teachings from above….

Let the doubts be released…
Let the fear be gone..
Come into the Circle
And greet the Brand new dawn…

We are all children of God’s Love..
Beacons along the way….
Let that Love be your guide
And bring you Blessings everyday….

Views: 10


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Comment by cindy paulos on April 20, 2010 at 11:56am
Oh so nice.....Great to hear from you marian....Yes it's all a great learning experience.....Thanks sooo much and Yes I'll be glad to vote for you.

One thing this competition and this wonderful site here did is make me realize How many Wonderful and Aware pilgrims there on the Path... Blessings Cindy
Comment by Marian on April 20, 2010 at 10:49am
happy to vote for you - will you vote for me?!!

what's so wonderful about this contest is the lack of competitive (Old World) drive: more (New Earth) sharing - which I love
good luck Cindy
p.s. don't feel badly about 'asking' - I read your blog post & thought - sure I'll vote for that! I felt the same way but I don't think it comes across as self-promoting when it's for a good cause... x M


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