Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Diamond Hour ~ Diamond Alignment ~ Jacqueline Joy


Diamond Alignment, A Sacred Technology ♦  

Jacqueline Joy's Diamond Hour

Diamond Greetings Everyone -

"The Diamond Hour" was absolutely amazing!

It filled my Heart and Soul to hear the electrifying enthusiasm of your "YES" vibrations delivered out loud into the Diamond Energy Field from all over the world!

Wasn't it Exciting and Fun to hear and feel your brilliant Diamond friends in the Physical?

You are not alone! There are thousands of Diamond Beings connecting with you vibrationally every day on the worldwide Diamond Grid. I was so happy to allow you to experience this phenomenon physically in today's Diamond Hour.

Thank you to all who have written us with reports of how powerful the Diamond Unified Field was and what a gift it was ...

"I have just participated in the hour-long session. At the start I was feeling anxious, exhausted and over-burdened. At the end I felt I was what I am - a being of light. What's more I felt empowered to spread that light. Thank you."

If you missed this Hour of Diamond Power or wish to experience it again for further integration of the Diamond Activation, I am thrilled to gift you with an MP3 recording of this "LIVE" event. You may download this recording at:

The Diamond Team and I would love for you to assist in our global outreach by sharing "The Diamond Hour" recording with your family, friends and Social Media Communities. Your personal referrals are extremely powerful!!! They fuel the movement of Diamond Alignment across the world! Let's grow our Diamond Community ... and exponentially accelerate the Empowerment and Joy of Diamond Consciousness on the Planet ... together!

Our next "Diamond Hour" will be Wednesday, June 6th

If you haven't signed up to be on our "Diamond Hour" mailing list yet, please do that now so you'll receive the new Call-in information for the next "LIVE" event:

Thank you for celebrating worldwide Diamond Magic with me, the Diamond Team and one another. Together we are "Diamond Rocking" the Planet!

May the Power of Diamond Joy fill you!

Jacqueline Joy
Diamond Alignment

Jacqueline Joy's Diamond Hour - Coming May 2nd

Diamond Alignment, A Sacred Technology ♦ Copyright 2012 Diamond Joy Enterprises ♦ All rights reserved.

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