Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Gift of Shift


Now there is a shift in the Soul’s Perspective

as the incoming refined energies

bring about a new and higher alignment

The Soul is given the gift to Shift

And be present in the circle of ascended Ones.

This allows an increase and amplification

In the power of Light

And the Presence of an unfiltered love

That can now be focused in objective beingness.


This means you can be Present in the souls unlimited comprehension

And so understand and work with the powers that Be.

You can get direction from the Source of the teachers teacher.

You can be reenergized by the One who is the Source of all energy.

You can live objectively,

Without negative reaction effecting your way of being.


For your way of being has shifted to a higher focus

Which is on your true purpose.

And as the shift takes place

The energy sent forth to the World

Will increase the Light and direction of the Soul’s perspective,

So that we may move out of competitiveness 

To supportiveness of the whole, for the good of all.

So all can be able to share in the Gift of the Shift of consciousness

To a greater understanding of the Will to good.

So our Love is One love

And our light is used for the enlightenment of humanity.

And our focus is in understanding God’s Love

Within our hearts and souls.

And by seeing  God as our guiding light,

 we can work together as One world,

In Joy, in Peace with God’s will to Good as our purpose,

With great Light and Love for all, Always.

And we give thanks ,And so It is.

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