Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

ATTENTION FRIENDS..I would like to address the issue of the immune system to the people on my list as I feel it is important for you all to understand something that is vital in you being able to successfully get through this flu season and aid you in having better health in the future as well.

I will keep it as simple as I can because the understanding behind what I am going to tell you is based on quantum science and more recent research in the connection between consciousness and matter.

I will start by directing you to research for yourself , if necessary, the double slit experiment which started the field of quantum science and the placebo effect which is commonly used as an adjunct to all pharmacological experimentation when researching the effects or newly developed medications for use on human beings. This particular talk will deal pretty much exclusively with the understanding of these two issues in you being able to understand and accept what I am going to tell you so I don't have to spend valuable time after this answering a multitude of questions and providing particular facts relating to what I am going to tell you.

First I will say that our condition as beings existing in the state we do is related to a dual nature. One of the physical and one of thought(or wave function/consciousness) We are creatures of dual nature and must come to understand this for our full potential to be accessed. The best way to state this is that we are beings of consciousness living in matter as a unified structure. Therefor all aspects of our life relate both to the physical and the mental.

Second is that all matter in the universe is also subject to this dual nature as particles have both a solid and a wave function aspect and as we are made up of matter which comprises our physical condition, we also are subject to the same universal laws that govern particles of all types.

Third is that it is shown that observation of matter can effect the outcome of experiments related to the establishment of conditions as we know it in regards to the way matter interacts with our reality. In other words, by consciousness interacting with matter, we can effect how matter behaves in ways that adhere to established laws that govern our universe.

Fourth point will touch on the placebo effect and how people have the ability to experience effects and side effects of medication in clinical trials when in fact they are not taking the specific medication but are merely told that it is only a possibility that they may in fact have taken the medication being studied. Their belief in the fact that they have taken a particular medication can cause their bodies to perfectly and exactly mimic the side effects of that medication when in truth they have taken only a placebo or sugar/water pill instead.

This last point goes to emphasize the power of the mind/consciousness and the belief system over the function of the physical/matter that we are made of. It is shown in this instance that what we believe is indeed reality when it comes to the personal closed system that is our own body and in a much wider sense, quantum science has shown us that reality as we know it is governed in a similar way relating to the energy we call the observer as relates to collapsing the wave function and establishing matter as it exists in our universe.

The point I am trying to make is that we are beings af consciousness who have the ability to control the matter that we are composed of and as to how that relates to our immune system, we merely have to have a belief in this process for it to function. It is that simple, I will give you an example that may be easier to understand as to how you can utilize this ability and how we are actually generally using it in reverse to keep us sick.

When you start to feel ill in any way, our medical community, schooling, media or whatever has told us or taught us what to expect as relates to developing symptoms we are experiencing and we generally say things like, "I am getting sick" or "I have the flu" or simply "This sucks". This collapses the wave function into reality and brings about what we want. In those instances, what we should be saying is, "my immune system is responding to something, as it should, as it was designed to, and it will deal with it and I will be fine" When you feel ill in any way, it is a good thing because it tells you that your immune system is functioning as it should.

It is really THAT SIMPLE. it is just another way of viewing it and creates the reality you want and are able to affect as relates to your own body. It is also quite true as that is what is occurring and that is what your immune system is designed to do. You can call it positive thinking if you want but the reality is that you are just not allowing negative thinking to affect your immune systems ability to function as it was designed to through millions of years of evolution.

I have understood this principle for many years and have not been sick AT ALL in over four years with anything even though the flu and colds and other conditions have gone through my household and my family. I have been untouched. I have at times felt these things attacking my system, but I knew my immune system could handle it and it has in every instance within hours to eradicate the feeling and oncoming "symptoms". Anyone close to me who has come to believe this has also not been sick in any way since that time. It is a matter of truly believing it and that gives you access to 50% of the immune system function that goes untouched or is unknowingly used against you to make you sick faster.

We live in a time when contaminants from our food and air and even medicine is damaging our immune systems ability to function properly as relates to the physical/chemical function and most conditions and diseases we face are autoimmune disorders. Even cancer is merely an autoimmune disorder as it is a cell that doesn't die or suicide when it should. Even with this against us, our immune systems do a great job of protecting us from what we live in and on and if we properly access the other 50% of our immune systems function we increase our ability to stay healthy to a degree that most if not all things become a non issue.

If this make sense to you then believe it because it is the truth and if you need more evidence as to the truth of this understanding, then do the research yourself as you are the only one who can convince you enough for you to alter a lifetime of beliefs and make the mental change needed to change your life. I do this for the reason of helping those I know get and stay healthy because it is that easy to do. I don't want to see any of my friends get sick or die of conditions that can be so easily controlled.

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