Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What happens on the inside determines what happens on the outside
“As within, so without”.
“Our outer life will mirror our ‘inner’ life.”
There is a ‘direct correspondence’ between our experiences and our thoughts and attitudes.
This law simply makes clear that the problems doesn’t exist as problems. I’ts our minds and beliefs what make them problems.
That’s why if we had deep beliefs that they were really opportunities, they would be opportunities. It’s important for us to have clear goals to make this law work better.
In itself, this law only allow us to understand why many people is poor and remain poor and why riches get richer.
Nothing in our outer lives can change without first making changes on the inside.
In fact, the basis for all self-help is ‘change from the inside out!’ It does not matter what we change on the outside, if we haven’t done the work to change on the inside.
Our reality will continue to evolve so that it is a reflection of our inner beliefs and world.
Until you learn to define who you are, to become that which you wish to attract into your life, you will always attract exactly how you continue to be, think and feel.

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Comment by Edel O'Mahony on January 26, 2011 at 3:23am

It is the universal principle that you attract the same energy to you , that you resonate. So for those who keep their focus on lack, no money, bad job etc they are resonating from a lower vibration. For experiences to change they have to take their focus off lack, focus on the abundance they desire in their lives, the 'feeling' of the freedom and happiness it brings. By resonating this vibration the Universe attracts the same energy.

It is not our role to worrying about the 'how' it will happen it is the Universes role, our role is to exercise in finding appreciation in our day to day experiences, to be grateful for our desires as if they are already here. Then we resonate from high vibration individually, which collectively creates a shift in global consciousness. 

We are here to live our life experiences, we cannot live for other, nor let others control our lives, our experiences are as unique as the energy  beings we are, yet we are all connected, all one.

Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on January 25, 2011 at 6:51pm
you say "Until you learn to define who you are, to become that which you wish to attract into your life, you will always attract exactly how you continue to be, think and feel"  it could be good doing this if your life is satisfating if not you have to "turn inside out".  but sometimes there's an accomodation that leads you to be always the same in our daily routine for example and in so doing we can't see the wood for the trees, we should focus on the global and not on the particulars.
thanks for your thoughts.


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