Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Point of Reckoning


There is a Point of Reckoning

Where your reasons for your life

Need to ring true

There is some point of offering,

What you have to give

To make your hearts purpose Rule.


Somewhere along life’s long winding Road,

We pause and we take a Look.

We ask if our life’s made a real difference,

For with God your life’s an open book.


We pray for God’s guidance

We hear the Words believe,

Believe and your dreams Will come true,

Well, Lord I do believe,

 with all my heart and soul

that the World’s greatest gift was you.


I pray that with you guidance, I can find a way,

To let your Truth be my message,

And that my life can make a difference today,

And I fulfill my life’s true calling.

That I can be an agent of God’s will and see,

How to do this with no deals, just a simple reckoning.


For we all find a moment,

Where we really know what we came to do.

And with your help I’ll find it.

Give me strength to act on how I serve you.


Sometimes it not so clear to me,

I know I can rationalize what I do

I’m good at just getting by you see,

In delaying this moment of truth.

So Lord make me your instrument,

As St. Francis once did pray.

Guide me along life’s journey

To fulfill my true purpose

And live with your love each day.







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