Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


I woke up this morning singing the refrain (or part thereof) of the Girls Aloud number THE PROMISE, embraced in the title of this blog. I wondered why for at the time I could not remember the name of the song or who sang it....a google search remedied that.

Go here for the lyrics:

{There are many YouTube video versions of it, but where I live, copyright conditions do not allow me to listen to it online....but do a YouTube search through google of "The Promise Girls Aloud YouTube" and you may be able hear this catchy number. It really is great!}

OK, then my next wonder was, why would I be singing this as I am not into him/her relationships presently, preferring the genderlessness of soul/spirit, the passive/active principle/s.

I deliberated awhile and IAM SoulSelf came through with the present/ce answer!

It is all about the passive/active principle (some prefer feminine/masculine) of Self....the being/doing, the allowing/accepting, the merge/emerge.

The "she" (passive) in these lyrics is the SoulSelf speaking to the "he" (active) FormSelf (ie Soul Temple = Temple of the Soul, the Body!)...the merge of Soul with Matter emerging as Unified Soul in Form, fully manifested! One as All There Is, wholly, holy, completely and perfectly exemplified in all innocence and purity as Universal Love.

So to the promise I made - the I being the SoulSelf!

The promise I made was to love "You", ie the Temple Body. The Passive loving fully The Active be(com)ing the Unified One in so doing. The Alchemy of Life! I have long known about my potential of physical immortality, probably these days more often termed "New Light Body", and for this I am grateful.

I have been writing lots recently on the Temple of Soul ('o Man-kind) which unless built on the foundation of Love, does not stand a chance. Very few can say at this point they wholly/holy Love their Body, (ie physical body as the pure and holy temple that it is). This is the true earth in which heaven is being brought to!

The fear base on which this temple body has long been created, being birthed literally through the root chakra (birth canal) based on concepts of fear and separation, is built on shifting sands. Thankfully this platform/foundation is changing now to one of Universal Love. What a blessing!!

As we move more into the ascension paradigm, when life becomes interesting rather than living life through the old paradigm platform, things really begin to change at last. Thank God!

However the foundational change comes only when the shift is made at the BASE LEVEL!!!

So when, and only when, the foundation, (the base level of the root chakra and all that it stands for) has fully shifted to the ascension/Universal Love platform, then and only then will things really move forward with consistency, with stablility. The as above actually IS so below, at last!

Presently we are vascillating between both and fear...for that is what transition is.....and that is OK and in pure divine order for All Just Is.

So the key for me at least, is the "root of all life" shift....the full release of all that is NOT of Universal Love and so be(com)ing an expressed foundational establishment (temple) of purity and innocence, love, joy and freedom, fully Self-empowered as the Love Foundation on which the Temple housing my Soul will be(come) when in full alignment as it is created to Be. The expanding expression of Soul in Form.

Present imbalances are working their way out (the transition) and in so doing, the empty space created provides the opportunity (a portal of unity) for the establishment of Love Universal - the All There is in and as One, uniquely expressed.

So the Promise I (Self) made? To Love (my Temple) and Be Love (my SoulSelf fully expressing through my Temple in form)

Shakespeare wrote all those years ago...."To Be or Not to Be, that is the question?"

To Love or Not to Love....the question and answer as One! The Ultimate Choice presenting ItSelf as No Choice! The Promise inevitable as Universal Love is inevitable!

IAM the question and the answer of All That IAM, Here and Now - EST IAM IS HERE

The Promise I Made, the Promise I Created as Creator creating creation, through accepting the gift - My (unique expression of)Self - IAM and letting it Be(come).

IAM that Promise! I made it, I created it. And so are You, as IAM.

In the pure innocence, purity and silence of Being, IAM - SoulSelf merging and emerging.

And So It Is!

Shared in Love, Joy and Freedom as One, Al(l)one Becoming.


Written July 10 2009

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