I wanted to share with all of you a project I started in 2005 on my Dad's death bed. He rarely smiled as he had a terrible tragedy as a child. The last time I saw my Dad conscious, he gave me a big grin. That smile changed my life. I was in the hospital with him in Florida. I left to go back to New York to do my one woman show for a film and before the film I was interviewed and out of my mouth came, "We need a Smile Revoltution on the planet". My Dad died a week later and the next time I saw him, he had had a heart attack and was in a coma. Ten months later out of the blue, a thought came to me and said this,"Its time to start The Smile Revolution.". It was Christmas week 2005 and I had been on the radio a lot that year and that week I was on the air and launched The Smile Revolution, which purpose is to raise conscious awareness to the healing power of a smile.
www.thesmilerevolution.com. That is my blog and I also am a performer and talk about this movement in my one woman show at
www.theprincessofwow.com and click on performance.
Mindy Fradkin-Mousaa aka The Princess of Wow!
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