Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

A new paradigm has begun, a time of awakening for the feminine energy within every man and woman. As we let go of the old Industrial era of masculine energy that focused on material greed power and control we are evolving into the era of healing, nurturing and expansion through embracing our feminine energy. It is now time to remember who we truly are and tap into our magnificence!

In this attraction based Universe, all components come together in pure positive energy. In energy there are no opposites, energy IS love and abundance…period!

It is only in our physical Universe that contrast was created; let me take you on a brief history of the Universe. Some 14 billion years ago there was just a fog if intense energy, there was total darkness as light did not exist, even time did not exist! There was only inside this primordial soup and at the birth of thought into the physical, the Universe inflated from this fog, as it grew bigger it became cooler and within 100 seconds had reached the size of our solar system, 100 seconds imagine that! Pure energy cooled and what emerged were particles of matter and with them the opposite of matter, particles of Anti matter, yet it was in the ratio of 1 in a billion particles of matter to anti matter that produced the birth of the solar systems.
This was a conscious creation atom by atom and it took approximately 200 million years for matter to spread out and then be pulled back together by gravity and it is gravity that has shown us there is no perfection, perfect simply does not exist. You see, there is a natural unevenness in the Universe, there had to be for the galaxies to form. Gravity pulls in all directions when everything is even, so had matter been perfect, everything would have stayed the same, no Universe! Because there is imperfection, gravity pulls more on one side and as parts of the early energy matter were less dense, the denser parts clumped together and this was the beginning of all the galaxies, the cosmos was born and it was the beginning of all the Universal principles we live by today.

We as human beings are energy beings in these physical bodies, the same energy that burst forth the thought form of the physical Universe is in every proton, neutron and electron of our make up; in the sub atomic particles of every part of living matter. Our energy resonates at the same frequency as the planets, stars, galaxies, constellations and solar systems. Scientists have now confirmed this by mathematical formula and what was astonishing is the measurement of the smallest volume of space (1.616252(81) ×10−35meters) is also found in our own micro tubules (the structure of our cells).

We have the ability to live in perpetual high vibratory resonance and why we do not already, is all down to how swiftly we remember who we really are from our human form. You see, in creating the physical Universe, energy relinquished memories of its own magnificence in order to experience in a physical form. Energy is ethereal, it cannot touch, taste, smell and so created the physical realm to understand contrast; by seeing, feeling the total opposite of perfection, it became aware of its own magnificence. Our Universe is completely based on non-perfection; this is the whole basis of how gravity operates. Through our creation of life experiences we begin to remember who and what we really are, so expanding the Universal energy.

We do this by:
• There needs to be a reflection period, time when you can be by yourself, preferably in nature (the greatest source of natural energy) to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day and allow you to breath and begin to define who you really are.
This is an important step as when you are in a lack of self worth or self esteem, you will have no clue who you are, this comes from a lifetime of living in reaction to conditioning, listening to others and living by their expectations rather then your own.
• Next step is to find your points of appreciation daily. This is not being grateful as being grateful for what you have only flat lines your desires. Appreciation is how you begin to focus on the ‘now’. By allowing yourself time and space to take in what is around you, being present in the moment, acknowledge the amazing wonders of this universe present before each and every day, moves you into higher frequency.

It is becoming aware that everything in this physical world is energy resonating at different densities and you as energy have the absolute ability to change and attract every circumstance, experience and opportunity by joining in energy’s conversation.

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