Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The use of Discussion forums vs. Comment walls!

As you have recognized, people (fellow members) write comments in
different groups in order to... WHAT?

To write in the "Comment walls” of divergent special groups might be a good way to share your professional knowledge or opinions about something, but have you ever thought about why you do it?

What are you trying to accomplish by writing comments?”

The comments are in most cases disconnected and stay floating without continuity. Most of us would like to know what kind of reactions thoughts, ideas or even critique our postings bring forth.

What can our comments result in? Brand and/or corporate awareness? Idea generation? To find or create entirely new ideas and concepts? In creation of new think tanks and work groups in order to get things done? In opportunities for synergy and new business?

Discussion forums are structured, threaded, text based online discussion communities

I would like to motivate and encourage you to start using the “Discussion forums” instead of “Comment walls”. I see that the comments on individual profiles are good to exchange e.g. personal greetings. On the other hand, “Discussion forums” are structured, threaded, text based online discussion communities.

Do it Goal directed!

By choosing the “Discussion forums” of special groups you are able to focus on different topics, such as Art, (Brand) Marketing, CSR, Music, Business, Economics, Future visions… and to start and/or participate in a
specific thread.

The use of “Discussion forums” makes you think more about what and why you are writing something, and to do it Goal Directed. The key questions are what do you expect to achieve with your posting.

Look forward top get feedback and cause continuity!

The “Discussion forums” offer you the opportunity to choose your very own, striking heading and topic, to start an interesting thread and to achieve more feedback and continuity. Simultaneously, you are activating the whole community and increase the value of the SICU Synergy Solutions Group and its special groups.

In opposite to comment walls, you can also add tags and post the discussion updates through Twitter to Facebook > Plaxo > LinkedIn… and reach a huge amount of contacts at the same time.

It’s also about promoting yourself (personal branding), your ideas, creating more attention and interest in your doings, and to keep up with an ongoing discussion.

Be Active to Activate, to be Activated!


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Comment by Tom Merilahti on April 11, 2010 at 8:35pm
Thanks for your kind message!
Comment by Tom Merilahti on April 11, 2010 at 12:30pm
Thank you very much for your response, Manny!

As you use words and expressions my English vocabulary don't include, I don't fully understand your meaning as a Finn. What I think you are referring to is to achieve and utilize "Collective Intelligence" in developing the discussion and/or in problem solving. This is actually precisely what I think it's all about.

Best regards from Helsinki,



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