Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Wonder of it all


Reach deep into all the dimensions of Being,

Reach from your heart and soul,

And find the Love that flickers there,

Waiting to take control,


Find the spark deep within

That lights the darkest night,

And breathe that spark into a flame,

That burns throughout all life.


And still this life does hold the key,

To live here, and somehow,

To learn heed love’s call

To feel and to experience the sweet wonder of it all,


Knowing how fleeting this moment here is,

Striving to stop and let it be,

And to find acceptance

Of all that’s in you and me.


                 Stunned by the wonder of it all,

And if this wonder is just a dream.

                 What is it that really matters,

What is it that holds the key.

As we Reach for the cosmic flicker of light,

And Reach for a way to be set free,

And still accept this human experience,

That somehow reflects God’s great Dream.


Hold onto the wonder when there’s nothing left to hold,

And Pray for all the people on the path,

Who continue with the journey and serve the goal,

Some way to reach deep into the mystery

with something we know that can’t be known,

with this strange gift of life

and the light and love within our soul.




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